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My name is Samantha Brooks. I am 14 years old and I live in an orphanage. No, I am not like stereotypical teenagers in orphanages. I don't hoard, use drugs, date older men, and the one I hate the absolute most is always that we always masturbate.

I am the opposite. I watch Supernatural, some of Doctor Who. See, I have been watching Supernatural since I was eight. I used to watch it with my mom. Of course, I was to scared to pay attention so I vaguely remember things. I am currently in season eight. I am on the episode after they meet their grandfather on John's side.

(In this season eight is the latest season)

I heard a knock on my door.

"Hello?" A boys voice said.


A boy with brown shaggy hair walked in. He looked athletic. I took off my head phones and tucked my brown hair behind my ear. "You need something?"

I asked, trying to not show my annoyance in my voice. "I am your new roommate?"

"My what?"


"No, no, I heard you clear. What is your name?"


"Nice to meet you. Samantha Brooks."

I said. Closing my laptop and sitting up on the bunk criss-crossed. "I am supposing this is my bed."

He said, gesturing towards the bottom bunk.

Flash back ok I am reading Percy Jackson and couldn't think of names. Don't judge me

"Hi, I'm Annabeth."


"This is my bed I'm guessing."

I nodded my head yes as she sat down on the bottom bunk. "So, Annabeth. Tell me something about you?"

"I like Supernatural. Have you seen it?"


"We are watching. Come over hear."

I jumped off my bed and started from the very beginning of what I never knew would be the best show ever.

Another flash back

"BUT ANNA BETH IS STILL UP THERE!" I cried out over the roaring of flames.

They managed to stop the fire and save the building. 2 dead, 7 injured. Anna Beth was one of the two. They forced me to stay in that room. I slept in her bed from grieve for two months. Other roommates have come to sleep in it and leave over and over again. None were as good as her.

Flashbacks over


"Huh? Oh yeah. It is."

He nodded suspiciously and I put my head phones back on. I resumed the episode I was on.

Twenty three minutes later

I saw Percy stand up in a rush. I took my head phones off. "People. Coming to adopt."
He said in a rush. "Shit. It's adoption day!' I said jumping off my bed.

I picked up my Moose and Squirrel tee shirt and put on black jeans with a black team free will beanie. I brushed out my knots and put on my black converse. "Do you know who it is?"

"Yeah, these couple. Natalie and Brendon Oligrio."

"Odd name."

I said pulling my laptop off my bed and looking them up. I hacked into the profiles. "Shit. These guys are criminals. Well, Brendon. Killed a women and robbed a jewelry store."

"And Natalie."



The intercom boomed. I ran past Percy and grabbed his hand and dragged him along with me. "Umm. Mrs. Brooks. What do you think you are doing touching a boys hand?"

"Sorry." Mrs. Colfiels voice sent shivers down my back. I let go and blushed. I ran up to the line up. I saw Maddie Keller trip Percy.

Maddie Keller was the bitch at this orphanage. Percy tried to get up. She and her lossy laughed and I shoved her out of the way and helped Percy up. "Aw, helping your boyfriend up are you?"

"Back off, idjit."

"Bobby Singer." Percy muttered. "Idjit. What are you? Stupid. That's not even a word. Go back to your hell hole of a house, whore!"

"Watch your mouth." I said as I punched her square in the nose. "You've been Garthed."

I helped Percy stand and we walked to line. "You know what Supernatural is?"

"Of course! Good job. You did really well back there."

I blushed and said, "Thanks. You probably could've handled it."

"No, for real, thanks."

"Alright, go to the boys section, ya idjit."

He smiled and squeezed my hand and jogged to the boys section. I liked him, didn't I? I caught him looking at me.

Percy's Perspective

I looked in her brown eyes. They were really pretty. "No, for real, thanks."

"Alright, go to the boys section, ya idjit."

I smiled and squeezed her hand. It was a good luck thing my mom taught me. I jogged over to the boys section. They all were teasing me. It's true. I did like her. I ruffled my hair and looked at her. I watched her every move. She looked back at me. She saw me looking. I turned my head and smiled. I looked at the doorway where a little girl was standing. She was about five.

She ran up to Samantha. Samantha bent down and started smiling and talking to the little girl. She picked up the little girl. The little girl looked at me and waved. I waved back.

Samantha set the girl down and started playing with her. Mrs. Colfiel came around the corner and looked at Samantha. She said something harsh and escorted the little girl out of the room. The little girl pleaded and whimpered to go back to her.

The adopting parents walked in. Natalie was a very pretty women, on the other hand, Brendon looked scary.

We all scrambled in line. I saw them stop in front of Samantha. She acted her best. They passed her. I let out a huge breath.

Natalie stopped in front of me. She smiled a beautiful white smile. "Hello. What is your name?"

She had a thick southern accent. "Percy."

She said. "I hope to see you again. I wish you well, Percy." The lady moved on. Brendon was flirting with some of the girls which disgusted me. I wanted to punch him. Finally they left with no child. Tomorrow we had our first day of school. I was a good thing because I could learn more about Samantha.

Adopted by Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now