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Samantha's perspective

I turned to look at him. "You uh what?" I said clearly mad. He took a shaky breath. "Madeline and I got to know each other and we actually have a lot in common and we kinda started dating."

My brain couldn't think on what to say my thoughts consuming me. "Samantha, say something, please."

I looked at him. "What do you want me to say? You ditch me for that ass whole? And you act like it's ok?! I don't know you." I looked away shaking my head. "Samantha, please, just, give her a chance."

"YOU DITCH ME! DONT EVEN EXPLAIN YOURSELF AT LEAST IVER TEXT SO I HAVE A WARNING! YOU START DATING THAT ASSWHOLE WHO HAS BEEN BULLYING ME YEARS ON END AND YOU ASK ME TO 'give her a shot.'?! I CANT BELIEVE YOU!" I wanted to just uppercut him but instead I ran to the bathroom and just let it all out.

After about 15 minutes a girl came in. "Hey," she said softly. "I saw you come in here and I hear you crying I wanted to check on you."

I didn't recognize her voice. I sniffled and wiped my eyes. "To start my life is shit. Umm I have no one, and did I mention my life is shit?"

I could hear her sigh. "I'm Hazel." She said. "Samantha." I unlocked the door and standing there was a dark skinned, bright sea green eyes, and very pretty fuzzy/curly hair.

"I have never seen you before? Are you new here?" I asked her. "Yeah I just came in today." I smiled. "I better get headed to my classes." I said. "Me too." She smiled as I walked out her following behind me.

Madalines perspective (cut back to the fight)

I looked around the lunchroom as I tugged at my shirt to find Percy. "Hey guys do you know where Percy went?" I asked the table. "Uhh he went somewhere with Samantha I think." My eyes filled with jealousy as I looked down. I realized a scar was showing as I pulled my shirt over it quickly.

I stood up going to go find him. I spotted him outside in the hallway as I hid behind the wall listening to their conversation. I have to admit I felt bad for bullying her sometimes but only when she made me feel bad and now is one of those times.

As she stormed off I went up to Percy. "What's her problem?" I asked. "She's on her period I think." He said. I laughed and rolled my eyes. "Cmon lets go back before lunch is over."

Hazels perspective (cut back to entering the bathroom)

I walked to the bathroom door but I heard a girl crying softly. I stopped figuring out what to do. I slowly opened the door and leaned against the door frame. "Hey," I tried to say softly. "I saw you come in here and I heard you were crying and to check on you."

She sniffled. "My life is shit, I have no one and did I mention my life is shit?"

"I'm hazel." I said. "Samantha." She replied. She came out of the bathroom and girl
with brown hair, brown eyes, freckles and had a red puffy nose. "I better get headed to my class." She said finally. "Me too." I said following her.

Adopted by Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now