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//we made it to 3K i love all of you!!//

I came out in my dress. Her jaw went ajar; I could feel myself blushing. "You look amazing, Sam!" She exclaimed. I tucked some hair behind my ear. "T-Thanks..!" I sat down on the bed. Misha came from his room. "Is everyone ready?" Misha called out. 

We all arrived at the dance. Percy went to his friend group and Hazel and I went in and stayed with each-other. "I'm going to get drinks, want to come with?" Hazel asked. I turned to her. "No thanks. I'm going to go request a song." She nodded as I walked off to go ask for a song.

I rejoined Hazel who handed me a red Solo-Cup full of shitty punch. "Thanks-" Suddenly, Highway to Hell started bursting through the room. I smiled and Hazel looked at me and smiled. "Did you request this?" She asked with a little laugh at the end. I nodded and we had this moment of silence. Suddenly, we both burst into laughter, her eyes sparkling in the dark room. I liked this.

I suddenly came to a revelation. There are different kinds of people in this world. There are the Maddy's, her group of friends who help, the Percy's, the Hazels's, the Misha's, and the me's. Which one do I want to be more like?

Hazel broke me out of my thoughts. "Hey, do you want to dance?" I smiled, "Of course!" She gabbed my hand and pulled me towards the dance floor. She started doing the Macarena. I laughed and joined in. 

Percy's Perspective

I watched as Hazel and Samantha did the Macarana. I made my way over there. I felt mad. Mad on what I did. Mad at her. Mad at Hazel from taking her away from me. Mad at Maddy. Mad at the world. There were two more feelings; guilt and sadness. Deep, deep, deep down, I knew this was all my fault and I had caused this. I caused my own grief, anger, and guilt. 

About halfway to them, I would stop. Tears would form in my eyes. My face would flush with humiliation. I would have fallen to my knees. The world around me would be spinning and turning dark, like the night on a cold day. I would look around and start breathing fast. "Guh-guh-guys? Sah-Sah-Samantha?" My voice would falter.

Nonsense, I was over thinking on what would happen. I walked up to them. Hazel smiled at me. Salmon didn't notice me. She was dancing too much. I cleared my throat. She stopped and looked up at me. "Oh, hey, Perc." She said smiling. "Hey," Hazel smiled. "Want to dance with us?" She offered. "O-Of course!" I said. I joined them in dancing. 

If I'm being honest, this was one of the only times I feel genuinely happy. This was a picture-perfect moment. I was realizing how much of a dick I was to poor Salmon. "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back!" I said smiling happily. They nodded and I jogged to the bathroom. 

I washed my hands clean of the demons and walked back out and skipping happily pass the crowds and my enemies and towards my friends. I looked up and saw them dancing together. If I'm going to be honest, I thought I would catch them kissing or something like that. Salmon is practically drooling over her. It would be a lie if I said i wasn't jealous. Yes, I know it is my fault that I can't be with her, but I have regrets and you have yours. 

Samantha's Perspective

Oh, Lord, please help me, I can't, she is just so beautiful. I was kind of dreading the night ending. I wish she could come to Toronto with us, but alast, no one ever really gets what they want. I wanted her, and she didn't want me back. Maybe she is only my friend because she heard me crying. Maybe she is telling everything to Maddy and she has been lying to me. Maybe- maybe I am over-thinking and I'm all wrong; what if I'm not? 

I sighed, pushing away the thoughts. "And here is the last song of the night," the Dj announced. "a sloooooooow song." I turned to Hazel but Jay Robertson, one of Maddy's goons came up to her. "Hey, Hazel, want to dance?" I was mad. Hazel is the prettiest and nicest gorl in school, but not Jay, he is a no-no. "Uhhh." She glanced at me quickly and nervously. "S-Sure, Jay..!" My heart dropped. My eyes twitched and water formed in them. 

Percy wrapped his arms around me and i hugged back. I shut my eyes tightly as warm, salty tears glided down my cheek. "It's, okay, Salmon." He coaxed. Maybe I didn't need her. Maybe she didn't need me.

maybe no one needs me 

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