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"So, do you have any crushes?" I hesitated. I looked side to side as if reading invisible equations. I finally looked at her and said coldly. "No."

She smiled and leaned in. "Don't lie to me." I smiled and she backed off. "I'm serious I don't." She laughed a little. "Ok. Want to play a game?" She asked. "Uhh sure." I answered

"Truth or dare?!" She said happily. I would have said no but you should have seen the happiness and hope in her eyes. I leaned against the pillows behind me. "Fine." I said. She giggled. "Ok. Truth or dare?" She asked me. "Truth."

She thought for a minute. "Why were you crying?" She asked. I sighed. "You know there is a thing called boundaries." I said laughing. "I know but like. Why?" She said, her expression shifting. "There is this boy, Percy. Him and I used to get bullied by Madeline and basically he was at a friends and they went to a party and basically him and Madeline have a lot in Common and they became a "thing" and he is completely ditching me and we had this huge argument."

I laid down with my hands folded on my stomach like this was therapy. She did the same next to me like we were star gazing at the ceiling. "Boys suck." She said. I nodded. "Yep." I said popping the p.

She turned and looked at me. "What about that show that you were talking about."

"S-Supernatural?" I asked. She nodded.

"I am warning you, very realistic to real satanic stuff. The exorcisms are real they just have parts take out."

She nodded excitedly. I grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. "Aw, what a cute family!" She said.

Two minutes later

"NOOO MARY THE PERFECT FAMILY ALL GONEEEEEE!" She yelled. I laughed. "You think this is bad?"

She turned to me seriously. "It gets worse?!"

We went to bed finally after long laughs and talking over the tv.


I woke up and Hazel was still asleep. I slowly got out of bed and slipped into the bathroom.

I took a shower.

I came out and got changed in the bathroom. In the other room Hazel had just awaken and she was getting shoes on to go down to breakfast.

I came out my hair still wet. "We have to wait for Misha." I announced to her. "Goo morning to you to." She joked. "Normally I wake him up. You can help."

We tiptoed and grabbed a pillow each. "1 . . . 2 . . . 3!" We hit him with a pillow and he woke up. "I'm up I'm up." He said putting his hand up to defend.


Hazel and I walked down to break fast misha following behind tiredly.

I put the hot waffle on my plate and put some whip cream on top. I got some strawberries and blueberries and sat down. Hazel following behind me.

"Ok. Best show. Like ever." She said. Misha came and sat next to me. "What show- oh. You showed her it didn't you."

I nodded proudly. He sighed and took a bite of his waffle. I did the same. "So, Hazel, tell my about your family."

She fidgeted with her hands. "Hazel?"

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