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Today was the day they set up the posters for the dance. People stared at me like I was more of a freak than I was last week. They stared at me like I was a bomb going to go off any second. Percy followed behind me. He kept tried to comfort me.

Ever since last week after the talent show the bullying got worse. It was the last week until freedom. Percy and I headed our separate ways and I went to my class.

As soon as I walked in I tripped. Of course. A new boy helped me up. It was like looking at an angel. He had blonde shaggy hair, perfect blue eyes, and glasses that fit him perfectly. "T-thanks." I said.

"Yeah, no problem." He said. "Felix." He said, holding his hand out for me to shake. "Samantha. Uh, Samantha Brooks." I said shaking his hand. He must've been the new boy everyone was talking about. "Alright, I, uh, better get to my seat." I said awkwardly. "Yeah, I guess I do, too." I smiled and walked to my seat.

I grabbed my lunch tray and headed to the regular table Percy and I sit at. "So, Samantha, I started ready Percy Jackson. Love it so far."

"Really?! What's your favorite part?"

"When Percy was talking about Grover having a limp but then said 'but you should've seen him run across the cafeteria on Enchilada day.' "

I chuckled. "Yeah, I liked that part, too."

"So, have you gotten anything about the show yet?"

"Yes, actually, I have. And guess what part ya girl got?"

"What part?"

"Season 11 episode I don't know and I am one of Lucifer trusted demons because it turns out Lucifer posses Cas. But I don't know how but I will."

"Woah, anything else?"

"Yes, you get to play a demon."

"Does the demon have a name?"

"Yeah, it's something like Drexel."


Then, Felix from homeroom comes up. "Can I sit with y'all? I have no where else to sit."

"Yeah, of course." I said. Percy gave me the eye. I knew Percy liked me but I jus saw him as a friend, ya know?

"Thanks. No one would let me sit at their table."

Felix took a seat next to Percy. Percy rolled his eyes. "Alright, Samantha, I am going to the bathroom. See you in 5." Percy said. "Kay."

"So, Samantha. Do you have a date to the dance?"

I blinked. "I-I, uh, uh, n-no."

I blushed as he leaned in. I closed my eyes. "Oh, me and Madison we're going together and we thought you would want to join."

I opened my eyes and leaned back. "In case you haven't noticed, Madison has bullied me my entire life, asshat."

"I-I didn't kn-"

"Just go sit with your girlfriend and don't talk to me."

Felix stood up and looked down at me really sadly and left.

Talking about Madison was a touchy subject for me. Especially inviting me to go somewhere with her.

Percy came back. "Where did Mr. Fuck Boy go?"

I pointed to Madison's table were she was practically sitting on his lap. "Dude, its eighth grade she doesn't need to loose her virginity this young."

I scoffed as I stood up. "Hey, can you sit back down for a minute?"

"Uh, yeah, why?"

"Samantha, will you, uh, go to the dance with me?"

He said it pretty loud and people listened. I blushed. "Uh, uh, yes."

Sorry for the short chapter love y'all

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