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Samantha's POV

"So, Hazel, tell me about you." I said. "My name is Hazel. Umm, my favourite colour is green. I love P!ATD, Billie Eilish, Melanie Martinez, and more."

I nodded my head. "Alright well, this is the last class of the day how about we hang out after?" I asked. She nodded. "Sounds like a plan." I turned on my heel to go down the hallway.

After class

I exited the school with my heavy back pack slung around my shoulders. I spotted Hazel. "Hey." I said. She turned around. "So, Samantha tell me about yourself."

"My name is Samantha Brooks. I am 14 years of age. My birthday is coming up. Umm, I am in a show but I am an extra-"

"What show?" She interrupted. "Oh, Supernatural."

"I'm not familiar. What's it like?"

"It's a mix between Ghost busters and Scooby-Doo."


"There is these two brothers Sam and Dean they go around the country fighting off monsters."

"Oh cool anything else?"

"They also have angels and demons."

"So its educational."

"Also one of the angels is gay."

"Isn't that against the rules or something?"

"The Bible never said anything about angels being gay."

"Are there any gay people?"

"Oh yeah the brother Dean is gah for the gay angel."

"What are you watching?" She said laughing a little. I shrugged also laughing a little. "Here." She handed me a small piece of  paper with her number on it. "Thanks." I said as I put it into my phone. "Hey do you want to have a sleep over today?" She asked. "Yeah sure. You can borrow some of my clothes."

"Can we do it at your place?" I knew that I would have to break the news to Misha about the whole Percy thing but its fine. "Ummm I am kind of staying at a hotel right now due to leaving almost as soon as school starts but let me ask Misha."

"Misha?" She inquired. "Oh yeah, he is like . . . Taking care of me."

"Oh." She said. I nodded and looked at my phone and texted him.

Hey my friend Hazel wants to come over for a sleep over. Is that ok with you?

He replied almost immediately

Yes of course.

I smiled and turned off my phone. "Ok so he is coming to pick us up." I said. She nodded excitedly.


I got in the back with Hazel because I thought it would be rude to let her sit in the back while I am in the front. Misha turned down the radio. "So, Hazel, how did you and Samantha meet?" She hesitated and I looked at her my eyes pleading for her to lie for me. "A-At lunch." She lied. I exhaled, relieved she covered for me. "So Hazel are you going to the dance with someone?"

"N-No sir." She said. "Oh maybe you could go with Percy and Samantha."

"Oh n-" she started. "It's fine." I said to her. "Misha, Percy and I aren't going to the dance together."

"Oh. That's a bummer. Why?"

"It's a long story and I'd rather not explain now."

We drove to the hotel in silence besides me and Hazels whispering.


We got out and entered the nice hotel. We got in the elevator and we went to our room. Percy was still at his friends house. Thank god for that.

"Woah." She said looking around the room. "It's nothing too special." I chuckled. "It's amazing." She said. I kind of laughed it off. "Ok. I'll get some clothes for you."

I came back with some comfortable pjs for her. "Here you can change in the bathroom while I change in my room." She nodded and did as told as I changed into my clothes.

She came out her frizzy hair sticking out. I sat down on my bed and patted the seat in front of me. She sat down.

"So Samantha, do you have any crushes?"

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