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Today we still had school dance. I kept thinking about the last message. I tried to think of it that he was saying sorry for too many messages or something. I sighed straightening my shirt. "Ready to go kiddo?" Misha asked. "Yep, Misha."

Misha smiled as we headed out the door. He opened the car door for me as I hopped in. I hadn't texted Percy back at all. We didn't listen to any music on the way to school and I just stared out the window tugging at my backpack.

We arrived and I looked at Misha. "Do I really have to go?"

"Yes. Unless your sick." He said. I pretended to throw up. "Oh no I threw up so there for I am sick." I said unenthusiastically. See the truth was that I didn't want to go to know the truth because some things are better left unsaid to not harm feelings. "Your not skipping on the day of the dance. It's fine just go."

I rolled my eyes while laughing a little and getting out slinging my backpack over my shoulder. I put my phone in my pocket and opened the door and started walking to my home room.

I walked in and I stopped at the door. Percy was hanging out with the cool kids. I nodded as I walked to my seat quickly passing him awkwardly since I'm the definition of awkward.

I set my book bag down and sat down and quickly sliding my phone in my book bag. I pulled out a pencil and just looked at it in my lap. I turned my gaze on Percy hanging out with the 'pretty girls'.

Gods, I'm so stupid. Of course, he is a boy they do that. They make you think like you have a shot but they dump your ass for the cool kids.

I thought to myself. The teacher ordered us to our seats as I pursed my lips and pulled out my binder and began to copy notes.

~~ ~~

I held my launch tray looking for Percy at the regular table. I sat down. He is probably in the bathroom or he got caught in the lunch line I thought trying to think of the best and not the worst. I took a deep breath and picked up my fork and took a bite out of my cold mashed potatoes.

~~ ~~

After about five minutes he was a no show till I stood up and looked around. That. Mother. Fucker. He was sitting with the 'cool kids'. I shook my head and sat down angrily. "I should've known. He is a boy and he went to a party." I clenched my fist. "Soon he'll forget I'll exist."

I let go of the first and took a deep breath as I wasn't in the mood to eat lunch so I pushed my tray away and just sat there with my head in my hands thinking.

Percy's perspective

I feel like really bad for ditching Samantha and leaving her all alone. She probably hates me. I snapped my attention back to the conversation. "Yeah apparently someone brought weed to the party." Someone said at the table. I cracked a smile not fully in the conversation.

I looked around the lunch room and I saw Samantha sitting there with her head in her hands. Her head was in her hands and she just stayed like that. "Umm I'll be right back." I said breaking away from the table and walking over to her table. "Hey, Salmo-" she cut me off.

"That's not my name." She said looking up at me. I sat down hesitantly. "Look, I am super so-"

"Sorry that I'm too much of a loser that you left me for those ass wholes. That makes sense." She said standing up and taking her tray with her as she walked to the trash can to throw her stuff away. "Samantha I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that and they invited me."

"And you thought you could get on their side and just be there getting popular while they bully me. Yeah I get it just stop trying." She said throwing her stuff away. "No- you don't get it-"

"I don't get it! Are you even hearing yourself!? I have been bullied by those ass wholes since first fucking grade so don't start on now I don't get it." She put her tray in the decision as she left the lunch room and I followed her into the hallway. "Samantha, I'm sorry I didn't know that. Just let me explain myself. At the party we were playing spin the bottle and Madeline was playing and it was my turn and it landed on her and we kissed and now we're kinda a thing."

Adopted by Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now