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My updating schedule sucks. Guys I am super duper sorry. I know I know I suck. Anyways. Prank time!!

It was last period. I had bought these little plastic babies off of Amazon. I held them in my pocket. I got to class early. I sat one in her seat and one in the bucket next to her desk. I sat one in the desk and one on top of the desk
. I set my books down in my bucket next to my desk and sat down.

Hazel walked in late perusal. She sat on the baby. "OW!" She yelped. The teacher gave her a dirty look. She stood up and looked at it. I looked away and pretended I didn't notice. She looked at the baby on her desk and started laughing. She went to set her books in the bin but noticed there was a baby there, too.

Hazel wet to set her pencil in the desk but a baby sat there with its ass sticking up at her. I laughed my ass off with her expression. Class was starting and my teacher was getting annoyed. I controlled my laughs. "Mrs. Brooks, do i need to speak with you in private after class?" She waited and I didn't respond. "Didn't think so." She said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my textbook and notebook and started a heading as my teacher began talking.

Hazels Perspective

I decided to prank Samantha back. I gathered all four of the babies. Samantha raises her hand and was excused to the bathroom. I put a baby in her seat, one in her bucket, and one in her novel she is reading.

She returned no later then 10 minutes and noticed the baby in her chair. She laughed. "Very funny." She mouthed and sat down. She opened her novel and out came a tumbling baby.
I laughed as she giggled and collected the babies up in her hand.

The bell rang and everyone stood up and grabbed her books and she didn't notice the baby but I took it and put it in her hair. Now, lets wait till she finds out.

Okay okay. I know I fucking suck at updates and there is only three words that can say why I haven't updated:




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