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Samantha's POV

My alarm blamed loud in my ears. I hit it as hard as I could and groaned. I lifted my head up I shoved my messy hair out of my face.

I folded my blanket in my lap and jumped off the bed. I shoved Percy awake.

"Mmm. One more minute."

"Get up ya idjit. We have school."

"Right. I am changing in the bathroom." He stood up and grabbed his clothes.

I picked out a blue flannel with black jeans on. I brushed my hair out and parted it to the left. I brushed my teeth and knocked on the bathroom. "C'mon, dude, we have an hour to eat breakfast and walk to school."

I heard a muffled 'k'. I slid down the railing; thinking no one was around."

"Excuse me. What do you think you are doing, Mrs. Brooks?"

I sighed and turned around. "Sorry."

She huffed and walked off. I went into the kitchen. "Hey, Jameson."

I said to the little girl. Jameson looked up and smiled. I picked her up and set her on my hip. "What do you want for breakfast? "

"Toast! "

I nodded my head and picked up a piece of toast. I pulled out the toaster and put it in. I got a glass of orange juice.

I handed her the glass and she gladly drank it.

I got the piece of toast and put butter on it. I gave it to her and she gobbled it down. I laughed as I heard. "You are really great with kids."

I turned around and Percy was standing there with a waffle split in half. He handed me the other half. "Please sit." He said, gesturing towards the counter. I sat down. I got whip cream and put it on. I cut up my waffle and started eating.

"So, Percy, how did you end up here? If it isn't to personal. "

"No, no. You're fine."

He hesitated.

"Well, my mom was killed during a three way car crash and my dad got killed in prison. My mother was the sweetest person. She had dirty blond hair. Southern accent. Hell, she made the best pie. She had these beautiful blue eyes that you could stare into forever. My dad. He was a nice man. He was put in jail because they thought he had killed someone. He was framed. He was with me at the time. He had the same hair as me. Same name. He had brown eyes. He would do anything for my mother. I still don't know why they put him in jail. He was beat to death by another prisoner."

I saw tears form in his eyes. I hugged him. One fell down. I looked at him. I wiped his tear away with my thumb. "Don't cry. Bad things happen to good people."

He hugged me back, tightly. "I miss them so much." He said. "Like how I am going to miss breathing."

"Alright. We need to get to school. Mind showing me the way?"

I nodded and grabbed his hand as we sped to the back pack section. I grabbed my Castiel one and he grabbed his normal black one. I sped out the door with him following behind, gripping my hand tightly.

We slowed down. "Alright. Now that we are away from school. Come here."

I said. He stopped. I pulled out two tickets to a Supernatural Convention. "November 22! That's in two days!"

"I know. And I recently found out by hacking into the website for the orphanage that Jared is coming to the orphanage in two weeks!"

In this story. Danieel and Gen don't exist

"No way. "

"Yes way!"

At lunch

I got my lunch tray. I got some of the spaghetti and meatballs. I got a lemonade and started walking back.

I bumped into Maddie. "Watch where you are going, freak."

"Watch your tone with me or you will get another Garth."

"There she goes with wierd names. Just admit it, you are a freak."

The lunchroom was quiet and people were gathering.

"The only freak here is you." I retorted.

"The only freak here, is you. Get a life. You have awful comebacks. Loser."

"Is that what mommy and daddy said when they dropped you off at the orphanage? "

That made a big ooo go around.

"Is that what Anna Beth said before she died to you?"

She took it to far. People were whispering. Saying stuff like roasted, ooo, she's done.

I ignored the comments and grabbed her hair and shoved her to the ground. "Don't you ever and I mean ever, talk like that about Anna Beth ever again."

She smiled. "And what are you going to do about it?"

I kneed her right in the face. "That." I said.

I picked up my tray and headed to the table where Percy was sitting.

"Damn, girl. You got moves. Teach me.''

" Later. Now we have little miss I need attention and her possy after us."

One day later.

Percy and I had made a plan on how to get their attention. So we heard that there was a Supernatural audition today for season 9. I was planning on auditioning since I was a pretty good actress. I was going to get their attention from there. Percy was also an actor himself. He was going to audition for the other role. This was going to be fun.

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