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Percy has been giving me the silent treatment. "Percy, look I am sorry. Please, dude, just say something."

"Fine. You want me to say something. There I am said something. Just leave me alone."

I rolled my eyes. I was suppose to get a phone call tomorrow if I got in. Percy ended up not trying out for the audition. He hasn't talked to me since the fight. I really want him, too. I have no one else here besides Jameson, a five year old. Everyone else hates me. Percy doesn't even eat lunch with me anymore.

In return, I let him get bullied by Maddie. I feel like a dick about it. One time when he got shoved down and kicked he looked straight at me.

One day he came back with a bloody nose. I tried to help him but he wouldn't let me.

Jared's Perspective

"OK. So we looked over the list again. Samantha was really good." I said. I really liked her, she played the character so well.

"I did, too. I liked her kazoo. So much, I got one myself." He said as he pulled out a kazoo. He played an awful tune.

"Jesus, Misha, please, stop!"

Jensen said covering his ears and slapping it out of his mouth. He accidentally hit it too hard and it broke against the floor.

Misha screamed a high pitch scream as the kazoo broke on the floor. "Dang dollar store thing. "

He picked up the remaining pieces as I laughed as his face dropped.

"Back to business. Who are we choosing? "

"I liked Samantha."

"I did too."

I said. Agreeing with Misha. Misha looked back, surprised I agreed with him. "What? " I muttered. He shrugged and turned around to face Jensen.

"Did we come to an agreement?"

They all nodded they're head. I clapped my hand and said. "Well, we have a phone call to make tomorrow."

Samantha's Perspective

I sat on my bed, criss crossed. I had one head phone in and was listening to Billie Ellish. I was listening to 'Six Feet Under'.

I was currently drawing space. I had nothing else to do today. I loved drawing so much. I filled in the last star and started working on the sky. I flipped to another page and scribbled in one spot. I rubbed my finger roughly on it and flipped back to the page I was drawing. I rubbed my finger gently on the sky and blended it. I re-drew the stars. As in traced them over. I drew the ring around Saturn and drew a hill with a telescope on it. I finished it off and signed it.

I shut my sketch book and laid down with my head phones still on. It wasn't that comfortable but I could live with it.

I looked over the railing and j could see Percy. I felt still really bad. I knew it had been a couple hours since I last talked to him. It was at least 7 PM. He was heading to dinner probably. I didn't go to dinner. I didn't want to so Mrs. Satan.

Percy opened the door. He stopped before walking out. He looked back at me. "I am sorry." He muttered. I nodded my head as he left.

Even though he said sorry I still felt like a dick.

I soon fell asleep.

Next day

I slammed my hand on my alarm clock as it was blaring 'Heat Of The Moment' I groaned as I stretched. I picked up my phone and sent my streaks. I checked through Instagram. I only had 156 followers. I was grateful I had any. I jumped off my bed but fell on my arm and shin.

Adopted by Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now