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It would be a lie if I said I remember everything. I remember letting go of Percy. Hazel ended up ditching Jay because he was being perverted. I don't really remember. Hazel went home. Percy and I left back to the hotel. We have a flight to catch and I'm tired.

I was really wishing the night went well. But life is shit and reality is shit.

Percy and I woke up at 6 am. I was happy to see Jared and Jensen again

After the flight because I'm lazy

Misha had one of his drivers picks us up and we drove to Jared's house. Sadly, they didn't all buy one house together but all their houses were walking distance. We arrived at Jared's house. I opened the door and Jared and Jensen were standing there. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SAM!" They sang. In all of the drama I forgot it was my birthday.

Tears filled my eyes and I couldn't fit the right words to express my happiness. Then Jared pulled out a certificate. I took a closer look at it. A birth certificate. I cried and hugged Jared. Tears fell one after the other, leaving a wet trail of AqUa. Jared rubbed my back. Jensen, Misha, and Percy joined the hug.

After we all calmed down. Jared showed me my room. It was a light purple with LED lights around the ceiling that changed color. There was a vanity with makeup on it. There was a desk filled with art supplies and had an empty sketch book on it. There was a swing in the room, too. The swing had a nice pillow. I hugged Jared and Jensen and Misha. And lastly but not least. I hugged Percy.

Life was almost good. I just didn't have Hazel in it. I sighed. Everyone left the room and the drawers were already filled with clothes so I changed into pajamas. I flopped on the bed and huffed. "This all seems like a dream." I muttered to myself. I shook my head. "Nonsense." I told myself.

As quick as night turns to day, day turned to night. I laid on my side smiling. Hell, this has been one journey. A tear escaped my eye and I wiped it away quickly. I took a shaky breath. I fell asleep.

My alarm went off. I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I heard a knock on my door.

"Hello?" A boys voice said.


A boy with brown shaggy hair walked in. He looked athletic. I was in the orphanage. "You need something?" I asked. That was one crazy dream I thought. "I am your new roommate?"

"My what?"


"No, no, I heard you clear. What is your name?"


The. End.

Adopted by Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now