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She hesitated. "My family is good." I wasn't going to question the way she hesitated and how I could tell she was lying. I looked at the clock. "Hey, Misha, we have to go to school." Misha nodded and went to go do something j couldn't identify.

Hazel turned to me. "I'm not going to the dance with anyone but I have a dress. Want to go with me?" My dumbass couldn't tell if she was flirting. She took a noticing to my thoughts. "A-As friends." She addressed. I nodded. "Sure." I smiled. "Ok so I will go home, get my dress and maybe Misha can bring me here and we can get ready and go."

I took a liking to the plan and we finally agreed.  Misha came back from wherever and we followed him out the door to the car. Hazel and I both got in the back and shared giggles and laughs all the way to school.

When I walked in with Hazel I felt happier on the outside. On the inside I didn't know what I felt like. Is it sadness? Is it anger? Or is it longing?

I pushed my thoughts away and we separated to our home rooms. School was the same besides lunch. I ignored Percy and put him out of my mind and sat with Hazel.

We laughed and talked. I told her about going up to Vancouver tomorrow and I might come back. "Yeah, but Percy is going with me. We are going to be in the same plane together!" I complained. "Just put something up so you block him from your view. It put up a mental wall."

I thought of the best musical reference but I don't know if she listens to- "Hey, Hazel. Do you listen to musicals?" My dumbass couldn't be bothered to remember if she does or not.

//fr fr guys I'm too dumb to remember if she does or not and it's been so long since an update so lets say she does. Alonzee

"Yeah," She responded. The smile on my face grew wide. "Ok. Which musical is your favorite?" I inquired. She sat and though for a moment. "It's either Hamilton, BeetleJuice, or Hadestown."

"Wait-" I looked her dead in the eyes. "Original or Broadway?"


"I'm sorry, Hazel. I'm afraid you aren't my friend anymore." I joked. "I'm just kidding. I like the original way better the Orpheus is amazing in the original and they changed the Epics and the Chants and they made Wait For me bad."

I suddenly thought of an idea to pull a prank on her later.

Author Note

Guys I am super sorry I haven't been on in for so long I have been traveling and school started and I'm already stressed but I haven been on wattpad in like three days and I come back and I have 43 notifications. Thank you guys so much I love you all so muchhh and once again I'm sorry 💞

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