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We jumped up and started tickling Jared. He ended up breaking the dashboard a little with his big moose legs. We stopped for a minute to let him re adjust. "Oh, no, big moose might be mad." I whispered. Misha snickered.

"I will get you back, Samantha." I laughed.

"Big scary moose is upset now."

He scoffed and laughed. Percy sat back down as we just talked the rest of the way.

At Jensen's house

I set my bag down and looked around the house. "You have this all to your self?"


"You guys should've bought one big house together." Misha looks at them and smiles. Jared shrugs. "MY HOUSE!" Jensen yelled. "No, mine, I have the biggest." Jared said more calmly. They agreed on Jared's. "Inplus, we need a place for the kiddos to stay." Misha says.

"I'll take them in." Jared says. My eyes widen. "Really?!"


"Wait, but, Percy didn't have enough time to get his clothes."

"I will take them to the mall!" Misha exclaims. Jared and Jensen nod. "I am coming with to make sure you don't do anything stupid." Jared implies. We all get into the car.

I don't know who had the crazy idea to let Misha drive but he is. Percy was next to me and I was behind Jared. I took a hair tie and started braiding Jared's hair. Once I finished I took it back out and did weird hair styles. "So, Sam, tell me about your self. What was it like,there? School? If it's ok to ask."

"It's fine." I hesitated, "before I had Percy as a roommate I had a girl named Anna Beth. We did everything together. There was this bully, Maddie Kelly, we would always have each others back. One day, a fire started. Anna Beth and I waited outside with the others. She realized this little girl named Jameson wasn't there. Jameson was her little sister. She ran back inside before I could stop her. Jameson got out by an adult after she went in but Anna Beth didn't know. I tried to run in to get her but the doors Burt and I flew back. She died. I didn't talk to anyone or make any friends because I knew that they more friends I made the more pain it would cause when they left. Then, Percy came along. He insisted we would be friends. He wasn't supposed to be my room ate but they had no available rooms left. It turned out he watched Supernatural as well. We sat together everyday, help each other with the bullies. Honestly, I am glad he came."

Percy smiled at me, I smiled back. "I am sorry." Jared said. "I am, too."

We reached the mall. "We are going to Hot Topic first."

"Alright, Jared, I'll take the Percy, you take Sam." Misha said. I grabbed Jared's hand and pulled him to Hot Topic. Some fans took some pictures as long as employees. Most of them looked at me with jealousy in their eyes. The others looked at me like I was special to be with Jared. I ended up getting a 'You Are Not Alone' shirt, anti-possession pants, a 'Sam and Dean, American Idjits' shirt with a hand squeezing an anti-possession symbol sweat shirt. I got a Supernatural locket and hairbrush. Inside the locket was an exorcism and the outside was carved an anti-possession symbol.

I also found a Cas, Sam, and Dean backpack which I got. (Of course) We headed up to the front desk. "Hi." Jared started. The cashier looked up to her phone. "Oh, eh, hi, I'm, a, uh, big fan!"


"Here. It's on me. Have a nice day, Mr. Padalecki."

"Thank you." He pulled out a piece of paper and put down his autograph and gave it to her.

We caught up with Percy and Misha. They had bags full of clothes for Percy. "You guys ready to go?" Jared inquired. Misha nodded his head dramatically and we headed back to the car. Instead Jared drove and let me into the front seat. He told me I could choose music. Of course, I did Billie Ellish since she is my favourite. I played 'Watch'

'Lips meet teeth and tongue
My heart skips eight beats at once
If we were meant to be, we would have been by now
See what you wanna see, but all I see is him right now
I'll sit and watch your car burn
With the fire that you started in me
But you never came back to ask it out
Go ahead and watch my heart burn
With the fire that you started in me
But I'll never let you back to put it out
Your love feels so fake
And my demands aren't high to make
If I could get to sleep, I would have slept by now
Your lies will never keep, I think you need to blow 'em out
I'll sit and watch your car burn
With the fire that you started in me
But you never came back to ask it out
Go ahead and watch my heart burn
With the fire that you started in me
But I'll never let you back to put it out
When you call my name
Do you think I'll come runnin'?
You never did the same
So good at givin' me nothin'
When you close your eyes, do you picture me?
When you fantasize, am I your fantasy?
Now you know
Now I'm free
I'll sit and watch your car burn
With the fire that you started in me
But you never came back to ask it out
Watch my heart burn
With the fire that you started in me
But I'll never let you back to put it out
Never let you back
Let you burn, let you burn
Never gonna let you back
Let you burn'

I sang it as it went on and on. Jared looked at me wide eyed. "I didn't know you could sing?" I shrugged as the song ended. "What else can you sing?"

"I can try "Six Feet Under.' "

"Yeah, please."

I turned on his phone and played it.

'Help, I lost myself again
But I remember you
Don't come back, it won't end well
But I wish you'd tell me too
Our love is six feet under
I can't help but wonder
If our grave was watered by the rain
Would roses bloom?
Could roses bloom
Retrace my lips
Erase your touch
It's all too much for me
Blow away
Like smoke in air
How can you die carelessly?
Our love is six feet under
I can't help but wonder
If our grave was watered by the rain
Would roses bloom?
Could roses bloom?
They're playing our sound
Laying us down tonight
And all of these clouds
Crying us back to life
But you're cold as a knife
Six feet under
I can't help but wonder
If our grave was watered by the rain
Help, I lost myself again
But I remember you'

"Wow! You are really good!"

"Thanks." I said blushing. I played a couple more songs. Jared did t like Bury A Friend. I don't know why but he said it was, 'too inappropriate' which it wasn't.

We got back to Jensen's house. I got my clothes out and showed him. "And then I have a back pack." I said looking for it. I couldn't find it. I looked to my left and Misha was admiring himself in it. I snatched it from him and showed Jensen. "Alright, time to show you kiddos to the rest of the cast!"

Adopted by Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now