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Today was awful because I am required to go to school. They didn't want ,e getting into to much trouble. So, what did they decide to do, send Misha down because they weren't filming in for a while. Why? Because some of the props that were too delicate were burnt to ashes because the prop trailer caught on fire. How? Someone made a mistake when trying to make toast.

Misha was taking me to school. For three weeks. Coincidence, I think not. I think Jared and Jensen just wants me to get to know the cast better. Well, Misha was dropping me off and it was my first day back in for a month.

People were staring at me like I was some famous person now. I hated it. How did they do this? Misha was still sitting there when I walked in. I turned around and did a gesture for him to move along. He smiled and waved and I waved back and continued walking down the hall. I suddenly felt my feet get off the ground and my body move forward. Then, my head hit the ground. During filming I had fallen on the concrete, (which is now a blooper of me. Also of me falling backwards hitting Jared and accidentally punching him trying to get up. He fell back into Jensen and he fell knocking down a light.) I stood up and saw the bitch of the school. Maddie Keller. She laughed.

"All your fake friends drop you back off and ditch you like everyone else? Where is Percy? Your little boyfriend. Oh, he left as well."

"Actually, they are more real then your ass. Fake bitch."

I said getting up. She scoffed and punched me. I dodged it and swiped her legs, making her fall. "A little something I learned called, 'stunt acting' witch I do more than you."

"Bite me."

"Oh, I will bite." I kicked her in the shin and walked off to my home room. I saw Percy's face light up as I walked in the room. "Hey, your eye is swollen. What happened?"

I broke down. I don't know why. I hugged Percy as tight as I could. "Promise me you won't leave, Percy."

He didn't say anything.


"I can't make promises I can't keep but I can tell you that we are family and family stick."

He kissed my forehead. I had tears streaming down my face. I let go. I ran to the bathroom. I shut the door and ran to the toilet and started throwing up. I heard
Percy at the bathroom. "SAM! WHATS WRONG?" His voice was muffled. I could on,y hear the blood rushing through my ears. I moved my hair and finally stopped vomiting. I flushed and sat there weak. My eyes got heavier and heavier. And soon I passed out. I don't know what caused this.

Third Person Perspective

Percy picked the lock and ran up to Samantha. He shook her but she wouldn't wake. He picked her up and ran with her towards the office. "We need the school nurse." He said with concern lacing through his voice. The secretary picked Samantha up and got the nurse who took her temperature. Percy ran all the way to his home room and yoinked his phone and ran back to the office, immediately calling Misha. "Misha . . . Samantha passed out."

"I'm on my way." He hung up and Misha was already in his car and driving towards the school.

Luckily, Samantha woke up in a coughing fit. Percy went to walk out the door to get her things for her to leave. "Percy, wait. I want to get them. I want to prove I am not weak." She stood up and walked weakly to her home room.

Misha parked his car and walked in fast. He stopped when he noticed something red with curtains on the wall. The poster read, 'sign up now for the talent show in three weeks.' Misha grabbed the pen. "Don't mind if I do."

He wrote down his and Samantha's name with the following, 'dancing to Carl Poppa'

Adopted by Jared PadaleckiWhere stories live. Discover now