Part 23

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Getting ready to fight was easy enough. We were lined up between the lava and the black lake.

Ares has been trying to get me out of the war, but I started this war and I must finish it.

"Danny it's not safe for you." Ares has his arms wrapped around my waist.

"Ares please stop, I am not going to hide like a little scared girl. I am going to fight." Ares rolls his eyes and walks away.

I go and talk to Jade. Her plans to fight are very polish.

Madeline is being trained at the moment she will always stay at my side. I can keep her safe with my powers.

Raphael walks towards me giving me a smirk.

"I am sorry your highness." What? Sorry for what?

Before I can react his fist thumps my head my vision becoming blurry. The last I see is Madeline at my side. Before darkness takes over me.

My head is pounding. A pair of soft arms are holding me. Massaging my scalp. That feels good. I hear a commotion going on. I get up quick. I look around.

I am inside a cave. Half my body on top of Madeline.

"How are you feeling?" I look and see Zeleka. She hands me a small cup, implying for me to drink it.

"Why am I here?" I push the drink away from me.

"Ares told us. You can't fight." I touch my belly.

"This is my War! I started all of this. I must fight!" I get up fro Madeline's embrace and try to find my way out.

"Danny you can't, the baby!" Madeline is holing my arm. I push her hand away.

"The baby she shouldn't have!" We look around looking for the voice. Out of the shadows a man steps out.

"Gabriel." Zeleka stands up.

"That baby shouldn't be born! God wants it dead!" Gabriel grabs his sword getting it ready for a fight.
Thanks to this guys we don't have anything on us.

I take in deep breaths bringing in energy with me. He charges me and I push energy out of my hands knocking him over.

"We need to get out of here!" I scream.

"You need to get him away from the exit." I throw energy towards his body. Making him unable to move. Madeline jumps over his body and so does Zeleka. I jump over and we make a run for it. Gabriel hot on our heels.

We find the way out. War going on twenty feet away from us. A flying demon comes close to us. I push energy out and knock him out. He gets back up and rushes towards me. I keep him still putting pressure on him. His shrieks murdering my ears. I crush his body, him falling on the ground.

Gabriel emerges from the cave his sword directly at me. Before anything another sword stops him. Raphael.

"Traitor!" Screams Gabriel.

"Still listening to a child?" Gabriel slams his sword against Raphael's sword. It's like a deadly dance. Powerful blows hitting left and right.

Zeleka grabs my arm and leads me down a dark path. We run passing the rocks with pointy crystals. The black sand against our feet.

Centaurs coming out of nowhere getting ready to attack. There's way to many. I get an urge.

I grab Madeline and Zeleka and let out a scream. Energy exploding out of me. I look around centaurs laying on the floor. I stand in my fighting position.

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