Part 27

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i have asked this queastion since the day my parents died, the day my aunt treated me bad. The day i met Ares.

I have been asking this question for the longest time. Today i am asking this question to the one person that took my happiness from me.

Madeline has been looking to the floor. I can see tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Look at me, and answer my question! Why? Why did you do it?" I cant help but cry too.

Madeline lifts her head, her blue eyes locking with my green ones. When i cought Rebecca with Ares I didn't hesitate to kill her. So why haven't i killed her? Why havent i been able to pull her heart out?

"I am sorry." She says.

I slam my hand agaisnt the wall. My hand hurst but i am too upseat to care. "That's not an answer!" Madeline flinches and looks back down. I know she was persuaded, i know she is hurt. Somehow i still can't understand why would she accept to kill an unborn child.

"I dont want to live here! I dont want to remember no more. the memories of Nicholas. He said God will take them away! He said it was just a fetus, Its heart wasnt beating yet!" She falls to the ground and sobs violently! Who is this angel god sent? Why would God want to kill a child? Is he that evil? Why?

"Who came to you?" I lean down and sit next to her. Putting my arm around her shaking shouders.

She sniffles, and looks at me. Her sad eyes filled with tears. "I don't know. He never told me his name." She brings her knees agaisnt her, and hugs them.

Erics walks down the stairs, I look back at Madeline who is starring at the wall without blinking. I get up and tell Eric to follow me. 

Eric leans down and kisses Madeline's forehead. I smile at them.

We head up stairs, after the door is closed I look at Eric.

"I am still having troubles forgiving her, yet I feel terrible for her. Even though all of that I think she should stay in there. She is suicidal she will try to kill herself the moment she finds a way." Eric looks down tears rolling down his face.

"She was pressured, given an illusion."

"I know but she still is under that illusion, and I want to know first who this angel that came to her." I look at Jade.

"Make sure she eats, give her some blankets and please have someone stand in there. We need to keep an eye on her." Jade nods her head and starts to get things ready.

As me and Eric start walking away, we bump into Raphael. At seeing him my face got hot.

"Your highness, goat." I hear Eric sigh hard.

"Raphael." I say. He smiles at me, making me blush harder.

"So what's going to happen with Madeline?" Raphael asks.

"I still haven't forgiven her, but I want to make sure she gets better. She is suicidal. Hopefully with time she will heal." I give one last look at Eric. He smiles at me.

"What? She killed your unborn child! She needs to be punished." Raphael screams.

"She has been punished enough ok. She already went through a lot!" I am pissed how doesn't he understand what she is going through she betrayed me. Not him.

"Danny I am going to go check on Madeline." Eric says. He gives Raphael one more look. Eric smiles at me and leaves me alone with Raphael.

This is the perfect opportunity to ask Raphael why he did what he did. He shouldn't have entered my dreams.

No one is around and Ares is checking up on things in hell. We are still on high alert.

We might get hit again. We need to keep up with things.

"Why did you do that last night?" I whisper towards him.

He looks at me all confused. Oh don't play that little game. You know what you did. I wait for his answer. He is probably trying to look for an excuse.

"What are you talking about?" He leans his body against the wall.

"Don't play stupid with me. I know you have been entering my dreams for as long as I remember and you did it again last night." He raises his eyebrow and looks around.

"I didn't enter your dreams last night." He frowns down at me.

Oh come on.

"Yes you did. You were in my dreams doing that to me."

"Doing what to you?" He looks at my face. He then smiles big. "You has a sex dream about me?"

"No! You entered my dreams, you dressed up as Ares in my dreams and it was you, and then you scared me with Nicholas!"

"Danny I didn't enter your dreams last night and I would never use Nicholas. I know you just met me, but do you think I will do that to you?"

Would he?

He hasn't done it to Madeline.

So was it just a nightmare?

"Yeah you wouldn't."

At that moment Ares shows up. I smile at Ares. What is going on with me.

Am I going crazy?

Am I going crazy?

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