Chapter Four: A Forgotten Town

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    The following morning Lotus woke up as the sun rose in the forest. Thinking back about last night and all that happened disturbed her a little bit. Kei almost took her to Ryoku and would have been killed if Ryker hadn’t come to her rescue, again. No matter how hard Lotus tried Ryker always seemed to come to her rescue. It irritated her because the debt between them kept getting larger and larger. Someday though she will pay him back for all that he has done.

    Staring at the rising sun it reminded Lotus of the day her beloved mother died. She had died because of an illness they couldn’t treat. Six months later she was on her deathbed, slowly dying. That day was very clear in her head, even now in the midst of war. Her final words kept going through over and over. Staring at her mother’s pale face she spoke those final good-bye words.

    “Don’t let anything bad happen to Yasha,” said her mother in that weak faint voice. “Please protect your younger and yourself. You two need each other. Just promise me you’ll be safe.”

    Young Lotus only took her mother’s cold hands. She didn’t know what to do or how to deal with death. She was only twelve at the time and Yasha was nine. He was still fast asleep in the other room. “Mom don’t leave us,” said Lotus desperately. “Even if dad isn’t here you’ll be here.”

    Releasing one of her hands she patted her daughters head and tried up her tears. “Lotus, my little flower,” began her mother. “Please be strong for both you and Yasha. One day it will be peaceful again, I promise. I love you both very much.” With those final words said she closed her eyes and drew her final breath. The mother, the woman that which everyone knew and loved is now dead. Everyone came; friends, family, and people that only met her briefly. Even so they were sorry she died. In front of the crowd were the children. Yasha crying his eyes out white Lotus stayed strong like she promised her mother. Not one tear escaped her eyes. Though she knew family was around her the only one that mattered was their father. The one person who wasn’t there that needed to be there. Even so Lotus found good work to support both of them. They were happy with just the two of them. That was until a year ago. Though it had been six years since the death of her beloved mother Lotus had to keep that promised. She had to protect him at all cost in hopes that one day he will no longer see the cruelness anymore.

    Sitting down looking over those mountaintops Lotus just kept thinking to herself. Wondering what she would be like if war did not exist or if her mother didn’t die. Ryker came right beside taking in the view as well. Clover was behind him along with another wolf he called Lightning. He saved him found this dog during a lightning storm when he was sixteen. He was a cute wolf, but he wasn’t all wolf. He was a mutt with floppy ears and had the body of a wolf, along with the personality. Lightning was a black wolf with green eyes. Just like Lotus he felt connected to this dog.

    The two enjoyed the sunrise as it grew higher and higher into the sky. “Jiro told me once the sky use to be blue,” said Ryker breaking the strange silence between them. “You have to believe him. They also say that at Ryoku the sky is blue.”

     “Did you ever live in Ryoku?” asked Lotus wrapping her arms around her knees. “Since you’re a demon I figured you would have lived in Ryoku at some point.”

     “I did live in Ryoku,” answered the man truthfully. “Didn’t care much for Ryoku. People expecting all sorts of thing from you just because of your family blood.” For some reason Ryker sounded very bitter towards Ryoku.

      “Is there a blue sky?”

     “Yes,” said Ryker looking at the blood red sky. “Even if Yasha isn’t in the best living conditions he’ll love the blue sky.”

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