Chapter Thirty: Last Kiss

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Before you read this chapter I want to thank you all for reading my book. It has been so much fun. I don't know really what else to say other than thank you. I hope you stay around for the second book in the series, Blood Tainted Love. Thank you all again! Now enjoy the last chapter!

      Ryker killed the last guard that was in his way. Apparently since Kern announced the heir to the throne security for Mio was heavier than originally thought. Covered in blood he made it to the door that led to Mio’s room. Knocking on the door, the young princess opened the door. Ryker was surprised that this demon was related to such a heartless man. Her presence seemed to give off a warm glow. Her blond hair didn’t come from him. But the blue eyes did, yet again a soft warmth was in them. Mio was such a stunning girl that her beauty itself was enough to want Kern to keep her a secret. Smiling she took Ryker inside her room. From this room you could clearly see from the window the burning city. The sun was rising higher and higher. Mio opened her closet revealing many stunning dresses. What she took out were two backpacks filled with items she wanted to bring along with her. Ryker couldn’t believe that she was this prepared to leave. How did she know? How did she know someone would come to save her?

       “How did you know I was coming?” asked Ryker staring out at the window, the burning city with people fighting and dying everywhere.

       “The maid knows all,” said Mio jokingly. “Well to be honest I had a feeling. The bombs woke me up so I figure Lotus would get me. Where is she?”

      “Going to kill your father,” said Ryker, closing the curtains. He had enough at looking out the window. “Sorry about that.”

     She didn’t say anything, just looked down at her feet. Popping her head up she knew it was time to go or they would be dead meat. “Well let’s hurry,” she said opening the door. “Because once my father is dead, so am I.”

      Now he understood why he kept her secret for all these years. If Kern were dead this girl would be in danger of death as well. Taking her by the hand he led her down the hallway running down the staircase over the dead bodies. Mio noticed all the dead Guards and knew it was Ryker’s doing. Still there was no time to worry about them. Coming down to the end of the staircase they made it out to the main courtyard. There were several other bodies that Ryker didn’t attack. A man approached them. Ryker knew who he was. The white hair and red eyes made him only one man. This man is the father of Lotus and Yasha Storms, Kione. The demon boy thought he was on the demons side, but he noticed Aria was on his back barley hold on to life. Leah was behind him, covered in blood. To Ryker is let him know he was fighting for the humans.

       “What happened to Aria?” asked Ryker coming up beside her. He could see all the wounds she obtained from the battle. “Is this what Hares was talking about?”

      “Yes,” replied Leah. “She managed to kill Hana Snow. Is that Mio Silver?”

      “Bingo,” said Ryker. “Now you need to take care of Aria. I’m going to help Lotus.”

     Kione grabbed one of Ryker’s arms. “You know Louts? Where is she?”

     “We’ll discuss this later,” replied Mio taking hold of Ryker’s hand. “Come on.” Both of them ran away from the injured three to where Lotus was. His first priority was to protect Lotus from whatever danger was after her. Mio seemed to know what she was getting into when she was running with him. She was completely sound in mind and body about choosing against her father. Soon that little girl led the way since she knew it like the back of her hand. Ryker was fearful that his dreams meant something was going to happen to her, that he might not save his little flower. Ryker had to protect Lotus before she was gone for good.

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