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Dylan surprised both her roommate and herself the next night when she found herself doing her makeup and heading out to the place where Roger said the show would be.

In all honesty, she felt quite nervous about the situation, expecting the place to just be a washed up club, filled with drunks and creeps with a small stage with crappy speakers.

So she was pleasantly surprised to see that that wasn't the case. It was a small club, basically just a black box with coloured lights and a bar at the back to get your drinks. And the drunken creep situation didn't seem to be very active.

After paying the entrance fee, Dylan found a small, empty table near the side of the stage and sat down, hoping nobody would try to join her.

She scolded herself at first for coming so early, but as more people entered and the place became more crowded, she decided she'd made a good idea.

After what seemed like an eternity of sitting alone and playing with the straw in her drink, the band took the stage and began playing, the crowd cheering immediately.

She noticed Roger behind the kit, at least, she thought it was him. She didn't know him really at all, and all she could clearly see from her seat was a mop of long blonde hair being whipped around behind the drums.

Dylan didn't know the first few songs, but she recognized the singer's voice almost instantly as the one from the Queen II album she'd listened to the night before.

'That bastard,' she thought to herself about Roger.

At first she thought he seemed a bit full of himself for advertising his show and his band in secret to her, but after giving it a second thought, she couldn't help but laugh at the situation.


Once the concert drew to a close and the band made their way off the stage, the tightly packed crowd in front began scattering across the room and Dylan made her way out of her seat and towards the side of the stage where she saw the band exit.

She wasn't sure how keen she was on talking with Roger, even though he said he'd love to speak with her, but she genuinely thought they did a great job and wanted to congratulate them.

Going out of her way to do this for people she didn't know wasn't a common occurrence for her, but she figured, what harm could it do?

She ended up leaning against the stage, looking around like a lost dog, trying to see if she recognized anyone in the crowd. She probably would have felt awkward had she been standing there alone, but there was a decent sized crowd of people there with her.

It was at the point that she had started listening in to a group of girls' conversation that she wished she had been there alone and awkward.

"I hope they're single," one of them said.

"Me too. Did you see that guitarist?" Said another.

"Never mind the guitarist. Did you see the drummer?!"

And that was what sparked their conversation into what they thought of the drummer and what they'd heard about him, and the rest of the band, in regard to groupies.

Eventually, Dylan got tired of hearing it and began making her way towards the exit. Not only did she not want to hear about these girls' fantasies anymore, after hearing some things, she came to the conclusion that Roger was just a player and that was why he had been so keen on talking to her and having her come to the show.

In all honesty, she really wasn't that surprised. Nothing against him specifically, but she knew that groupies weren't uncommon with bands- especially rock bands. It was none of her business what, or rather, who, the band was doing, but she wasn't going to be it.

One Day in a Record Store • Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now