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Roger woke up the next morning to find Dylan sitting on the floor of his room while looking through his record collection.

She'd gotten up a while before, it was going to take a little bit to get used to the time difference.

At first, she'd stayed where she was laying. Seeing as Roger had his arms securely around her waist, she didn't have much of a choice.

Not that she minded.

Eventually, she got tired of laying there and Roger loosened his grip around her, so she was able to slip out without waking him.

After washing off her slept in makeup and brushing her teeth, she just wandered around his small apartment for a little bit, not wanting to wake him up by laying back down next to him.

She took a few pictures of the view outside Roger's apartment with her higher quality camera. It was nothing super fancy or touristy; she was just in awe of how different the architecture was compared to in the U.S.

She ended up back in his bedroom, hoping to get a different angle of the view outside and that was when she noticed his record player and collection.

She must have been too tired to take notice of it the night before.

So, as Roger woke up and noticed Dylan wasn't next to him, he slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes as they adjusted to the light.

And that was how he found her; cross legged in front of his record player, flipping through his collection and giving the occasional "ou" or "ah" when she saw something she liked.

"Hi," she said when she noticed him get up, her eyes quickly going back to what she was looking at before.

"Hi," he replied, his voice thick from sleep. "You found anything interesting?"

She nodded. "Quite a bit, actually. You have a lot more than me."

"How long have you been up?"

"Not sure. Maybe two hours."

"You should've woken me."

"Yeah, but you're not an early riser," she pointed out.

"Oh, and you are?" He joked.

"Well, no," she said with a laugh. "I'm just jet lagged."

"Ah, I see," he laughed with her. "Are you looking for something specific?"

"Just browsing," she told him, looking up at him before she spoke again. "Do you have anything Christmas?"

He pulled the covers off of him before walking over to where she was sat, crouching down to her level so he could flip through his records.

"Beach Boys, Elvis.... Charlie Brown Christmas," he listed them as he pulled them out and placed them on her lap. "Your pick."

"Charlie Brown," She said happily, leaning up to put it on while Roger put the others back.

"Do you want to open your present?" He asked, and her eyes lit up straight away.

"Lemme just grab yours," she told him before walking over to her luggage and pulling out his wrapped gift, while Roger stood up to pull hers out of his closet.

"Who goes first?" She asked when both of them were seated on the ground again, their gifts situated between each other.

He picked his up and shoved it into her hands. "Ladies first."

She let out a laugh before tearing into it, opening it up to see a silver necklace with an eighth note hanging from it.

"I know it's small, but I saw it and it reminded me of you, and us coz we met at that record store, but if you don't like it, I have the receipt and-"

One Day in a Record Store • Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now