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It felt as though a big weight had been lifted from both Roger and Dylan's shoulders after their conversation. Dylan was no longer stressing about where she stood with him, and Roger wasn't worried about her losing interest for not making some sort of move.

And Roger happily took Dylan up on her "offer" of him going around with her wherever to weed out any creeps. Though the same couldn't be said in regard to Dylan and her affect on girls coming up to Roger.

It was no secret that Roger was good looking, she knew that. She also knew she wasn't alone in thinking that. What she didn't know was just how many other people thought that. And just how many of them weren't nervous to come find him after the show.

She remembered the group of girls at the first show she ever saw in LA, but now the band was getting much more popular - both music wise and, as a result, girl wise.

The guys never seemed to go with any of the girls that flocked to them after shows, at least not that Dylan noticed. Though seeing as John was interested in Grace, and Freddie and Brian had girlfriends, she would hope they weren't, but she didn't pay much attention as it wasn't her business.

Roger often seemed to get the most out of the four, and although he and Dylan weren't specifically exclusive, he still never went with any of them, as much as they tried.

It always felt a little awkward for Grace and Dylan when they'd be in the dressing room or just hanging out out back after a show and a group of girls would practically swarm them.

Although they could sometimes get on the pair's nerves, the girls were nice to them for the most part, and it could even be entertaining for the two to watch the girls try and end up getting nowhere.

The only time they'd get seriously annoyed is if someone started acting catty towards them for no reason. Whatever guy was closest would always be quick to shut it down though.

Or if they were with one of the guys and it looked as though they were an item and the girls still came up to talk to him.

Like one time when Roger and Dylan were out behind the building after a show - where, they didn't know by that point. They stopped paying attention after a certain amount of shows.

Anyways, she'd gone out back with Roger while he had a smoke and eventually their conversation turned into an somewhat innocent make-out session.

Though that didn't stop one girl who came right up to them and tapped Roger on the shoulder to ask for his autograph.

Dylan felt pretty embarrassed at that moment. Roger was just more so annoyed. The girl didn't seem to notice.


They were in New York City for a few nights, as they had multiple shows, and lucky for them, that meant they got a hotel with a proper bed and bathroom.

The guys all got rooms on their own and the girls roomed together. They had the option of getting separate rooms, but knowing they'd both end up in one of them at some point, they didn't bother.

As soon as they got to their room the first day, Grace was practically bursting with energy out of wanting to talk to Dylan privately.

"You look like you're about to combust," Dylan joked as she locked the hotel room door behind her. "What's going on?"

Grace let out a laugh before replying. "So, you know how me and John went out last night?"

"Yes, I'm aware," Dylan replied. "Why? What happened?"

"Okay, well, um-"

"Just cut to the chase!"

"Okay, okay!" Grace laughed as she set her bag on the bed and began taking things out of it. "Basically he asked me if I wanted to go steady."

"What'd you say?" Dylan said with a gasp.

"What do you think I said?" Grace said, resulting in a high pitched scream from Dylan. "What are you so loud for? You're gonna get us a noise complaint!"

"We were gonna get a noise complaint at some point, don't kid yourself," Dylan said, making them both laugh. "Aw, that's nice. I'm happy for you. Are you happy?"

"Yeah, he's really sweet," Grace said as her cheeks turned pink.

"Ah, you're blushing," Dylan laughed, making Grace roll her eyes.

The pair talked some more until Grace had to go down to the lobby to get more towels since the concierge wouldn't pick up the phone, leaving Dylan alone to unpack her luggage.

And, unfortunately for her, rethink and overthink everything with her and Roger.

She was happy for Grace and John, she really was, but she couldn't help but let it get under skin a bit. They'd known each other for three weeks and were already together. Meanwhile she'd been talking with Roger for months and they weren't.

She knew it wasn't right to compare her and Roger to them, but she still couldn't help but think she'd done something wrong, or doubt what Roger had told her.

Knowing that she shouldn't be thinking that way made her feel even worse.

'Rog told you it like it is,' she told herself. 'He wouldn't lie about it....or would he?'

After a bit of an aggressive pep talk with herself to calm herself down, she began getting changed for the show that night.

Though as much as she told herself everything was fine, she could feel herself slowly get more insecure as time passed.


The group met in the lobby before heading out for the car that would be driving them to and from the venue. Thankfully, word hadn't gotten out about where Queen was staying while in New York, so they were safe from the swarms. The other guests in the hotel either didn't recognize them or didn't want to bother them.

Dylan was sat on one of the benches in the lobby and somewhat involved in the conversation between Grace, John and Brian. She'd put herself in a not great mood earlier, and she knew it was her own fault, and now as a result she wasn't keen on talking or joking with anyone.

She figured it would pass once they got to the show.

Freddie and John had just stepped out of the elevator when the car arrived and they all made their way out.

"Hello, love," Roger said as he caught up to Dylan, kissing her on the cheek as an arm instinctively went around her shoulders.

"Hey, Rog," she replied.

"I'm excited for the show. You excited for the show?" He asked.

"I am. New York, New York."

"City so nice they named it twice," he finished, making her let out a light laugh. "Did you hear John and Grace are a thing now?"

'Oh, for fucks sakes.'

"Yeah, that's great," she replied, mustering up the best smile she could.

"Yeah. I don't talk to Grace, but Deacy seems to really like her."

"Nice," she said, trying not to let her own issues cause her to roll her eyes.

"You alright? You seem off," he asked.

"Yeah, just kinda tired."

"Not used to all the travelling yet?" He joked as they climbed into the car and took their seat.

"Guess not."

"Take a nap now on the way," he told her, pulling her closer to him with the arm that was still around her. "I'll wake you up when we get there."

Seeing as she hadn't been completely lying about being tired - the constant change in time zones was difficult - and the fact that she wasn't in a very social mood, she took his advice and was out like a light within five minutes.

A/N: Ouu our first little bit of angst (if you can even call it that lol) hope you like it and it's not too confusing haha. We'll get more into it in the coming chapters :P

One Day in a Record Store • Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now