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Dylan and Grace watched the show from the wings that night. Dylan had felt a bit better after her nap on the ride there - which was longer than expected due to all the traffic - but all the nonsense she'd told herself earlier still had her rubbed the wrong way.

And it took everything in her not to roll her eyes or snap at Grace throughout the show. Anytime John would send her a wink from across the stage and she'd smile back in response, she'd have to restrain and force herself to just watch one of the other members of the band.

Grace and John weren't even acting any different than usual. They'd been behaving the same way since they'd gone on their first date and it never bugged Dylan before. Hell, she barely noticed it before, but she was just in a mood where anything and everything was pushing her buttons.

She had been looking forward to going back to her room after the show, hoping she could just sleep off her bad mood, but seeing as they were in New York City, the boys were ready to party.

And seeing as she didn't want to be a total buzzkill, she went along with them, with Roger still under the impression that she just felt tired because of the time zone changes.

"If it gets to be too much just let me know and I'll get us a cab," he told her as they walked hand in hand into whatever club they had picked that night.

They found a large rounded booth so they were all sitting next to each other; Dylan was sat with Roger and Freddie on either side of her, Brian on the other side of Roger and John and Grace on the other side of Freddie.

She'd never felt out of place with the group before, but she did that night, only because she wasn't in her usual talkative mood and they were.

She really just listened to everyone's conversation, giving the occasional nod or answer if someone asked her something, but for the most part she was quiet.

Grace noticed the change in her mood and silently mouthed asking her what was wrong, to which Dylan just responded with a yawning gesture.

Quite a few people at the club recognized them, despite being seated at the back corner of the room. The boys were still friendly as usual with the fans, happily answering questions and giving autographs.

A little later into the night, when everyone seemed to be in a heated discussion about what really counted as a word (a result of talking about their Scrabble wars), Dylan scooted out of the booth to use the washroom.

Despite actually needing to go, she really just wanted a place to get away from the loudness and tightness of the group.

She felt angry and irritated and she wasn't even sure with who. Partly Roger, John and Grace, but mostly herself for feeling envious in the first place.

She was happy for her friend. And she was happy with Roger, even though they weren't 'official'. But being that she had a tendency to doubt herself, she couldn't help but wonder.

Did she do something? Did she not do something?

'Stop being stupid, Dyl,' she told herself. 'He likes you. Why wouldn't he? You're a catch.'

She stayed locked in her stall for a little bit longer, filling herself up with somewhat fake confidence to make herself feel better, and once she thought she was set, she made her way back to the table.

That fake confidence didn't last long, as she was greeted by an additional girl at the table, and it was clear to everyone - the rest of the group included - that she had eyes for Roger.

Normally, Dylan didn't care. She never did. She trusted Roger, and besides, they weren't exclusive. But something really rubbed her the wrong way that night.

One Day in a Record Store • Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now