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I'm glad you liked the video. Definitely enjoyed it more than we did haha.

Also, wow, are you and Stella finally friends? And gossiping together about how cute you think I am? I can't believe it. You've really changed a lot since I last spoke to you, Dyl.

However, I must admit I've been doing a bit of gossiping over here. Well, not really. Kind of.

Like I said last time, I've mentioned you a few times to the boys and they usually ask me how you're doing and what not. Anyways, John was at my place the other night and he asked how you were doing and, well, long story short, I ended up telling him about your art and whatever else and showing him the picture you sent (hope you don't mind haha)

Speaking of which, I love the painting! (You looked pretty good too, I suppose ;)) Is it of the Hollywood area? I even recognized it and I've only been there once! I'm excited to see more of your work!

Good news: we've finished recording! More good news: our manager has booked a tour of Europe! He's currently working on getting us some shows in Japan and in the United States (and if that goes through, you're invited to any one you want aha!) And now Killer Queen is in the charts in the U.S as well! We're really excited about this next tour. I think it's going to be pretty big.

And alright fine, if you're not having a party at your dorm, you're coming to one when me and Freddie visit. God knows he loves a good party!

Just realized you said parties aren't your thing. It's okay. You can just hang out with me. And to answer your question, no, one of the perks cannot be that I don't act flirty with you, so you're just going to have to deal with it.

And I didn't think you sound lame, so yeah, you're really going to have to just deal with it hehe. I don't care if you're not as much of a smooth talker in person as you are in writing. If I just make you flustered I'll be happy ;)

I didn't do much today. My sister just bought a new place so me and the boys and some of her friends went to help her move her stuff. Now I'm home and I'm supposed to go out with the boys for dinner. I'm just waiting for Brian to come pick me up. And writing back to you!

I should probably get ready for that. John is bringing his girl and he wants us to make a good impression (which in John's words means, "don't dress like a bum"). Don't know why I have to dress nicely - it's his girlfriend! Oh well.

Okay, love, I should actually get ready since Brian just called to say he's leaving his place now. I'll talk to you soon.

- Roger x



Do you normally dress "like a bum" when you're out with John? Haha! I'm sure you'll look fine, don't worry.

Saying that though, I was not talking about you with Stella, let alone gossiping about how we think you're attractive. Fuck. I just admitted that I think you're attractive there, didn't I? Oh well...I never said anything anyways. It was all Stella.

And no, we are not friends. I just needed to use her VCR to watch the video you sent and it was in her room. I haven't changed that much in just these few months.

And wow. You're talking about me? Guess I'm a bigger dyl than I realized! I'm such a loser oh my goodness. Seriously though, you better not being saying anything bad about me, Taylor.

I'm happy you liked my painting- and yes, it is Hollywood at night! I painted it from the rooftop of the residence building. Don't know if I'm supposed to be up there, but oh well.

And hey! I said the focus of the photo was the painting! And oh my gosh you showed John?? Did he like it at least? Now I'm all nervous haha.

Also, random question but I'm interested; is your sister younger or older? I have an older sister. I don't see her much though since she's in Ohio. And she lives with her husband now.

You can party all you want, but I'm not interested. And I'm not that fun, so you don't need to take me. I'll be boring in a huge group haha! (Will this be something that gets you to not be super flirty?)

And why would you be happy if you made me flustered?? That wouldn't be fun (not for me at least!)

Anyways, that's amazing news about the album and the song in the charts and the tour! Do you know where the U.S dates would be if everything goes to plan? I know nothing is certain yet, but I'm excited to see you guys perform again (and hang out with you again of course haha)

Also, I guess that letter took longer than usual to be delivered and/or you took longer than usual to write it, but I saw signs at the record store yesterday about your new album being released soon. Congratulations! I'm excited to hear it!

I'm on reading week next week, which I'm somewhat relieved for and somewhat upset for. It's good because I don't have school and can chill out, but I don't have anything to do or anyone to hang out with.

I'm going to stay here rather than go back to Ohio (I told you that already I think), but it'll still kinda suck being alone all week. I have a few shifts at work though so at least I'll be making some money!

I just read that over. Sorry, i didn't mean to make it a pity party or anything. I was just telling it like it is haha!

The theatre students here have a performance tonight so I'm going to go see it. I'm a bit anxious to be on my own, but it's on campus and I get a discount on tickets because I'm a student, so I figured why not?

I'm gonna stop writing now so I can get ready. Hope you're doing well. Talk to you soon,

- Dyl x

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