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A/N: sorry for not updating in SO LONG. I was super busy with school & exams, but now it's summer so I'm going to try to update more often! This chapter is a bit of filler, so, sorry about that, but it acts as a segway into stuff that is coming in the future. Enjoy!

The girls didn't really start their second day in Los Angeles until close to 3 in the afternoon. After being out late after a long flight, then staying up late to gossip, and then Dylan having to help Grace treat her mild hangover, they got ready and headed out for their first meal of the day before the show.

And Grace was quick to begin interrogating Dylan again after they ordered.

"Okay, so what happened?" She asked.

"Didn't we already go over this last night?" Dylan said. "Nothing new has happened between last night and now."

"Ugh. You're no fun," Grace jokingly whined.

"If something new happens I'll let you know," Dylan laughed. "What about you? Anything interesting happen with anyone?"

"You mean the whole group or anyone in specific?"

"Well, considering how close you and John were sitting in the dressing room before the show..."

"Oh, shut it," Grace cut her off. "Nobody locked lips as you did. Well, I didn't, at least."

"Uh-huh," Dylan said.

"He paid for a few of my drinks at the bar and that's it," Grace told her.

"Damn, look at you go," Dylan said as she crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat. "First night in LA and you've got a guy."

"I do not," Grace defended.

"Not yet, at least," Dylan laughed, happy that she finally wasn't the one being teased about a guy.

"Whatever," Grace scoffed, rolling her eyes. "He's cute, but don't be going around telling anyone I said that."

"Who am I going to tell?"


"Oh, hush."


The girls watched the show from the same closed off section of the crowd they'd been in the night before. And just like the night before, the boys sounded amazing.

Dylan had remembered to bring her Polaroid camera that night so she could take pictures, however, it was taken by Freddie not long after they all met up in the dressing room again after the show.

Not that she minded. She had brought extra film and figured she might get some fun photos from Freddie.

Everyone was packed in the dressing room and despite the energy being quite high, it was pretty quiet; Brian and Roger had gone to separate rooms to get changed, Grace, John and now Freddie were seated together on the couch, all taking turns making stupid poses for Dylan's camera, and Dylan was stood at the counter where she had the photos she'd taken spread out, some still developing while she wrote the date on the ones that were finished.

"Rog! Smile!" Freddie yelled at Roger soon as he walked back into the room, who just stuck his tongue out at the camera in response before walking over to where Dylan was standing.

"Where'd Fred get the camera?" He asked her.

"It's mine," she said, gesturing to the photos laid out in front of them.

"You realize he's probably going to use up whatever film you have left," Roger said with a laugh.

"I packed lots, so it's fine," she laughed back. "You guys sounded great tonight!"

"Thanks, love," he replied, snaking an arm around her waist as he spoke, the other hand reaching out for one of the photos on the table. "You took all these?"

"I did. They're nothing too great. I just wanted some to look back on, ya know?"

"Gotcha," he said looking them over. He opened his mouth again to speak but was interrupted by Freddie before he could.

"Here's the one I took of Rog," Freddie said as he handed the photo to Dylan. "He moved his head before it actually took though."

"Still turned out pretty good," Dylan commented, handing the photo to Roger so he could look at it.

"Well, I am the most photogenic," he joked.

"Sure you are," Freddie and Dylan said in unison before bursting out in laughter.

"Alright, lovies, I'm going to go call Mary. I'll see you later," Freddie said before turning and walking out of the dressing room, and not long after John and Grace left so John could go for a smoke.

"So, Grace and John, huh?" Roger said as soon as they'd left, leaning against the counter so he was facing Dylan.

"What about them?" Dylan asked, trying to look as oblivious to the situation as she could, but the growing smile on her face didn't help her pull it off.

"You're an awful liar," he told her. "Come on, what do you know that I don't?"

"What do you know?"

"Nothing! That's why I'm asking you!"

"I don't know anything," she said as she began putting all the photos in her bag.

"You're the worst," he whined, following her over to where Freddie had left her camera.

"And yet you're still here talking to me," she shot back.

"Fair enough," he said with a light laugh. "Listen, you coming to the next shows?"

"The San Fransisco ones?"

"Yeah, and a few others I can't remember right now."

"I was planning on it. Just have to check with the car rental company if I'm allowed to drive that far," she explained as she organized her bag.

"Oh, okay."

"I'll take a train if I'm not allowed. Don't worry," she said with a laugh, noticing him seem to get nervous. "You alright?"

"You guys could come in the bus if you want," he said slowly. "We have extra bunks and everyone's cool with it. We talked it over yesterday."


"It's no pressure or anything, but we figured you guys are fun to hang out with and it is kind of a long drive, but if you don't want to that's fine," he rambled and she had to hold back a laugh at how awkward he was being.

"I don't think I've ever seen you act this nervous," she joked and he just rolled his eyes.

"Can you just answer the question?" He replied, letting out a laugh with her.

"Let me talk to Grace and-"

"So, Grace already knows apparently," he interrupted. "They were talking about it at the bar last night when we were out."

"Well, that answers that then," she laughed.

One Day in a Record Store • Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now