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About a week had passed since Dylan had gone to the Queen show and hung out with Roger, and she was back to her normal schedule of school, work and home (with the occasional call from Grace, who insisted on knowing everything about her night out).

It was around 9pm when Dylan had gotten home from work to find a small pile of letters at their door.

"Stella..." she muttered to herself, annoyed that her roommate left their stuff at the door.

She picked up the small stack of mail and made her way into her dorm, dropping the stack on the kitchen table in front of Stella. Most of it was for her anyways.

"Dylan," Stella called out before she went into her bedroom. Dylan looked back to see Stella sitting at the table, handing her one of the envelopes and not looking up from whatever she was reading. "This one's for you."

"Oh, thanks," she quietly replied before grabbing it from her and heading into her room. She dropped the envelope before changing out of her uniform.

Once she was done getting ready for bed, she put on the Queen album that had become a recent favourite of hers, before plopping onto her bed and opening up the letter. She rarely got mail so she was interested in who would be writing her, though she had a clue of who it was when she noticed the UK postage stamp on it.

'How the hell did he get my address?' She wondered before unfolding the letter and reading it.


It's Roger here. Now, you're probably wondering how I knew where to send this letter. Don't worry, I'm not a stalker.

What happened was, a drink spilled on my arm when I got back to the club. Most of the digits of your phone number got smudged and god knows how many combinations of numbers I'd have to try before I got the correct one.

However, you wrote your name and that surprisingly didn't smudge. At first I thought, oh that's not much to go off of, but then I remembered that you went to school close by to the club (of course, I couldn't remember exactly which school).

So we get back to our hotel and we (well, I) checked the map to see what universities were nearby the club. The closest one was UCLA, so I figured that's it. I'm hoping just the address of the school and your full name will be enough to have this letter get to you, but I guess I'll just have to wait and see, won't I?

Anyways, I hope you don't think I'm weird for writing you, I just didn't want you to think I'm a dick for asking for your number and then not calling. I would have called sooner but...well, you know now.

At the time of when I'm writing this letter, we've been back in England for about two days. The U.S was nice, but I'm sure glad to be back. We're supposed to be back in the studio to record our next album in a few days once we're all recovered from our jet lag!

That's about all i have to say. Not much time or events have passed since we last spoke and when I'm writing this. I've included my address if you'd like to write back! (And if you do write back, I'd appreciate if you included your number aha)

That's all for now. Hope to hear from you soon,


P.S: If this isn't Dylan, I'm very sorry. Just ignore this.

As weirded out as Dylan had been at first, she couldn't help but smile at the drummer's writing. She could practically hear him as she read it.

As tired as she felt, and as much as her body begged her to just lay down and go to sleep, she found herself grabbing her notebook and pen from her desk and began writing back to him.


First of all, congratulations, your letter got to the correct place haha.

Secondly, thank you for including how you figured out how to get your letter to me. You were correct in assuming I was wondering how in the hell you found out my address.

Thirdly, I'll be honest and say that I wrote your number in my address book so I could have called I suppose...

I'm glad you guys got home safely and that's so cool you're recording another album! I don't know how long it takes for you to finish something like that, but I'm looking forward to hearing it. I'm actually listening to the Queen II album right now. I've actually been listening to it quite often and I think it's about time for me to go find your first album.

Nothing is really new with me either. Just school and work. I told you, I'm not that exciting!

I've included my number per your request and the address to have the letter go directly to residence mail (that way it doesn't get lost among all the administrators and such)

It's almost 10pm and I only got home from work an hour ago, AND i have nothing else interesting to share, so this will be all for now.

Talk to you whenever,


And with that, Dylan slipped on a pair of sandals before making her way to the mail room to send out her letter.

One Day in a Record Store • Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now