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The next few days of her cycle were filled with Roger doting on Dylan, Dylan lying in the fetal position and Roger suggesting she just get pregnant or have her uterus removed so she doesn't have to deal with her period anymore.

"Do you want kids one day?" He'd asked her, making her choke on her drink.

"Why are you asking?" She slowly asked.

"Because if you don't, you can just get a hysterectomy," he said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

She let out a breath before replying. "Yeah, it's not that simple to get one, Rog."

"What? Is healthcare that bad where you live?"

"No," she laughed. "But you can't just book a hysterectomy because you want one. You have to have something wrong with you. They don't do it otherwise."


She nodded. "I appreciate the effort in trying to help though."

"You could also get pregnant," he thought aloud. "Though after nine months it would be back."

"Yeah, I don't think that's happening," she laughed.

"Well, if you change your mind-"

"You want a kid right now? You're 25."

"Fair," he joked. "Think I care more about making the kid than-"

"Roger, I swear," she said, holding the bridge of her nose while she held in a laugh. "Was all this suggesting just so you could say that?"

"No, it just comes to me in the moment," he laughed. "And annoying you is fun."

"You're an ass sometimes, you know that?"

"It's one of my defining qualities," he said proudly.

"Oh, does that mean your kids are gonna act like asses as well?" She taunted.

"Oi! Those are my kids you're talking about," he joked, making her hold up her hands in defence. "But, yes. It's in the genetics. Just like the charm."

"Oh, is their mother a very charming person? Is that where they get it from?" She asked, earning a dramatic gasp in response before they both broke out in laughter.

"I don't know if I'd say you're very charming, love," he told her once they'd calmed down.

"Hold up, when did I agree to mothering your children?"

"Listen, they're my kids, meaning they're gonna need a lawyer as a mother to get them out of trouble."

"Oh my god, Roger," she laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"I'm just teasing - about you getting pregnant right now, not about my kids causing trouble. They definitely will," he laughed.

"Well, lucky for you and me, I'm free from the chaos that is children," she replied. "As well as the extra chaos that would come with the Taylor genes."

"Hey, the Taylor genes aren't all bad," he began. "The kids would look like me."

"Oh, don't curse that on them," she joked, bursting out into laughter when his mouth fell open.

"Damn. You're cold."

"What can I say?" She said. "It's in the O'Hare genes."


The day Dylan's cycle was finally, actually over, was the same day she and Roger were meeting up with the boys at the bar.

Dylan was actually quite excited as she hadn't seen any of them since her first night there, and it'd been months since she'd had a proper night out with them.

One Day in a Record Store • Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now