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January '75

Dylan and Roger's conversations after unofficially making their plans went the same as usual. Neither of them mentioned it, but it was on both of their minds.

And even though Roger had heavily implied the plans (and his feelings), Dylan still couldn't seem to get it through her head that it wasn't all jokes.

And anytime it happened to come up in conversation, Roger was quick to shut it down.

"Hey, Rog. What word would you use to describe a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand?" She'd asked him one night. She'd been editing a paper and having him help her out with it.

"Oh I'm not sure," he thought aloud. "Wait, what the hell is this essay about?"

"You'd call him normal. Most people usually have half their fingers on one hand," she told him letting out a laugh at her own joke.

"I thought you were doing work," he said between laughs.

"I am, but it's boring and I just thought of it."

"Has anyone ever told you you have a very cheesy sense of humour?"

"I think you mean a brilliant sense of humour," she corrected.

"Sure, I did," he said. "Good thing you're cute."

"Oh, gee, thanks," she said sarcastically.

"Wha- i was complimenting you!" He said with a laugh.

"You sounded sarcastic!"

"I can sound sarcastic and still think it's true, you know," he told her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever..."

February '75

Meanwhile, Jane had been dying for gossip on her sister's love life from the moment she went back to school.

The two didn't talk super often when Dylan was at school, but once the news had been spilled to Jane about their plans, they'd ended up talking almost every week.

Dylan was glad they were talking more often now, but she did sometimes wish she hadn't been so dumb with telling Jane about what had happened over the phone with Roger.

It was a Saturday morning when Jane called, a few weeks after that one phone call with Roger, and after a bit of catching up, Jane couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer.

"So, what's new with drummer boy?" Jane asked.

"Oh, here we go," Dylan sighed.

"Come on," Jane pushed. "I'm old, I don't have any gossip in my life. You need to entertain me with yours."

"Well, I'm sorry to tell you that there's nothing super interesting to let you know about," Dylan said.

"You guys still talk though, right?"


"And you're still meeting up at their LA show?"


"When is that again? May?" Jane asked.


"God, these next few months can't go by any faster," Jane whined. "I'm kinda anxious, actually."

"What- you're not the one going on the date, J," Dylan pointed out, lightly laughing at her sister's words.

"Oh, so it's a date now, huh?" Jane said, ignoring what Dylan had said.

One Day in a Record Store • Roger Taylor Where stories live. Discover now