Dentist (imagine for BrxannaLucxa)

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I sat on the sofa, Ashton's arm wrapped round me as we aimlessly sat around the living room.

This was the first time I'd seen them properly since uni, me being the last to graduate in the family. Ashton was first, Calum second.

Cal was working in a music producing company, but I never bothered to pay attention to Ash's job. I was too focused with my own studies, and it wasn't raved on about back home.

Whatever Ashton did, he worked in an office in his back garden because he claimed to like the relaxed vibe. I guess I understood, but the truth was probably that he didn't have to drive to work.

Luke and Michael sat on the floor, the two of them quietly arguing while Cal and Sierra sat laughing in the corner. She looked really pretty today, while I looked like a literal potato.

I grimaced slightly at the pain in my mouth, laughing as Michael shot up to get the pizza.

"Did you bring your swimming cozzy?"


"Good, we wanna play a game of volleyball in the pool," Ashton smiled, getting up to grab some plates. I helped him, coming back to a table full of pizzas.

Everyone changed places, Calum sitting by me instead and hitting me round the head.

"You've barely messaged me!"

"You're a busy person,"

"But I love you," he whined, squishing me into a hug, "you're my little baby sister,"

"By like, 5 years," I grumbled, taking a massive bite out my pizza.

Mindlessly, I took another, only to realise my mistake before it was too late.

"You look like you're in pain," Michael laughed.

"Too much pizza," I tried to play off.

Sierra laughed, Luke just rolling his eyes as I took another bite.

Usually, I'd just eat on the other side but my brothers would make a fuss and it wasn't worth it.

Or perhaps it would've been, as it would've saved me a lot of pain because Ashton noticed anyway.


"I bit my tongue,"

"Mhm, is that why you've been cringing since you got here?"

"I'll get it checked out soon if it bothers you so much,"

"Or you could come with us now?" Michael suggested, Ashton nodding. Calum smiled sympathetically, Luke biting his lip.

"Maybe not so suddenly," Sierra smiled. The three of them knew my hatred for dentists, not so much the others.

"So that's the job you do," I mumbled, "can't we do this tomorrow?"

"I don't want you going to bed tonight in pain, come on, it'll be quick,"


"I'll sit by you," Calum mumbled, "It's just Ash,"

Reluctantly, I stood up from the sofa and followed a good few steps behind. My hands were becoming clammy, and it felt harder to breathe. Just as they stepped out the door, I legged it for the stairs.

Having no clue which room was who's, I turned into the first one and clambered into the wardrobe.

I should've gone to the bathroom since it locked, but it was no use now.

Several people came upstairs, quietly calling my name and stupidly expecting a response.

Unless they could hear my muffled sobs, they had nothing.

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