Doctor (imagine for alibrooke28)

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"This party sucks," Kaylee slurred, swaying around the room with Naomi.

We'd danced for a while, flirted for a bit, but it was just hot and sweaty, and overcrowded by now.

The music blared out, and you couldn't step anywhere without falling over a can or paper cup.

"Yeah, I'll call a taxi since you're too drunk to drive,"

Naomi rolled her eyes, bumping into me and one of the boys she'd been talking to all night.

"You need a lift home?" he smirked, the two nodding. I couldn't drive yet, so even without me being drunk, it was useless.

"Oh, we can wait," I assured, already not trusting the guy. He had drank too, and I didn't even know his name.

Luke had already begged me not to go to this party, so going off with some random guy most definitely wouldn't put us on good terms- especially if something happened.

"No, Ali, let's just go," Kaylee insisted, grabbing my hand so tightly I thought it would shatter. Whoever this boy was took us to his car, the two girls literally shoving me into the car. I wanted to get out so desperately, and call Luke, but we were already going.

"Can you pull over?" I asked quietly, repeating it when he ignored me.

"Chill," Naomi muttered, "Kaylee told him the address,"

"I want to get out," I said more persistently, "stop the car,"


"Stop the car!"

I felt it swerve, thinking we were pulling over, but when my face crashed into the area infront, I knew I was wrong.

My first instinct was to scream. Then cry. Then call an ambulance.

But I couldn't.

We were no where, and by the looks of things, no one else in the car was moving. I didn't know what to do, so I pressed my emergency contact.

"Ali? You know I'm on a long shift, I was sleeping,"

"Help," I trembled, "Luke help,"

"Ali? Where are you?"

"I-I don't know, send an ambulance. No one else is moving and everything hurts and I'm sorry, I tried to get a taxi but they wouldn't let me out and- Luke,"

"Ali, listen to me baby. Don't move a muscle, Ash will come with the paramedics and the rest of us will be waiting. I'm gonna get your location and call again, okay?"

The call ended and I was faced with silence again. There was breathing, but I was the only one conscious.

My phone rang again and I barely had the energy to answer.

"Ali, can you hear me?"


"Okay, there's an ambulance in its way. Only about five minutes from you,"

"I'm scared," I cried, "no one is moving, and it's dark- what if someone comes?"

"Ali, breathe for me babygirl,"

"I'm sorry,"

"We'll talk when you get here. Can you hear the ambulance?"

"I think so,"

"Okay, let them do what they have to do. It says they've arrived so I'm gonna end the call,"


"Ashton's there now, I'll see you soon okay?"

With that, he ended he call, and my door swung open.

"Ali, oh my- sweetheart," Ashton gasped, "I'm gonna move you very slowly?"

"No," I shrieked, gaming lots of attention from the other ambulances.

"Tell me where it hurts,"

"My nose and my neck, and my hand,"

"Okay, you're gonna stay really still for me babygirl,"

I felt several pairs of hands support my weight, clamping something around my neck.

"You have a nasty cut down your leg, I'm gonna clean it and bandage it," he said, my eyes rolling back into my head.

"No, Ali, keep looking at me,"

"I'm tired,"

"No you're not,"

But I was.

The speed bumps were what greeted me, Ashton still by my side and the ambulance surrounding me.

"We're here now,"

"Everything hurts,"

"I know, we're getting you in a head scan and then sorting you out,"

"I want Luke,"

"Michael's gonna come a meet us, Luke will see you soon,"

"I'm scared,"

"It's okay,"

Suddenly, bright lights entered my vision and I cried a little. I didn't know why, but I was so overwhelmed I didn't think I needed a reason.

"Don't cry," Michael said, "you're safe with us,"


"I'm right here, can you now see why Luke didn't want you there?"

"Yeah. I can feel it too," I grumbled, feeling the bed come to a halt. I assumed they were taking scans, so I stayed still until we were moving again.

"Cal is gonna have to set that broken nose,"

"I want painkillers,"

"Oh, trust me, you can have some strong ones,"

We weren't running through the hospital, but it wasn't relaxed either. There was a sense of panic in the air and I didn't like it. They turned me round a corner, swung the curtains shut and got to work.

Moments later, Luke and Calum walked in.

"You're grounded,"


"Now that's out the way, how are her vitals?" he asked, slipping his hand over my stomach and gently pushing down.

"Slightly off but she's panicked,"

"Calum's gonna set your nose," he mumbled, the x-rays arriving.

"Pain med,"

"They're already there love," Michael chuckled, bringing attention to my hand.

Calum got new gloves and brought over a tray of equipment- I knew this would hurt.

"No," I whined, "Ash,"

"You're gonna let him do his job Ali, we aren't here to mess around over your health,"

Luke gently held my head, rubbing small circles of my forehead. Calum pinched my nose, the whole thing cracking. My eyes watered, and as scream escaped.

"There's other patients," Luke reminded, kissing my head.

"My hand hurts,"

"You broke your wrist," Calum sighed, "what were you thinking?!"

"I tried to get out," I stressed, "you think I wanted to end up here? With my brother and his friends criticising every move?"

"That's not what's happening," Luke said quietly.

"You need to lay still," Michael sighed, touching my wrist.


"Hey, hey, hey," Calum soothed, bringing my other arm back down.



"Stop being so horrible," I sobbed, "I'm terrified,"

"I'm sorry, we just love you. So much worse could've happened, and we don't want that,"

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