Doctor (imagine for 5SOTOP_2003)

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*trigger warning*

"What do you think this is about?" Julia asked, Max and I shrugging. All day, people had been called out of their form but no one had said a thing.

It was the first day back after break, so we didn't have normal classes, but it was last period and we'd been called to the office.

When we got there, we were handed a form to give in that already had information on... and our parents signature. I hadn't agreed to this.

After scanning the sheet more, I realised what was going on.

A checkup. With a doctor. Here at school.

Why couldn't this have been done outside of school? If mum and dad could stop arguing to sign this, they could stop arguing to take me somewhere I felt more comfortable.

Our heads snapped up when three people walked out, one man and two women. I could only hope it was one of the women.

My heart was already pounding, and I tugged at the sleeve of my jumper- just in case.

"Is this what you'd look like if you had stage fright?" Julia whispered, a small grin appearing on her face.

"I don't know,"

"Come on, you do every show possible here," she paused, Max getting called, "you'll do fine,"

Julia also got called... by the other woman.

"You're with me," the man smiled, "I'm Michael,"


"I take it you didn't know this was happening?"

"My parents didn't talk to me, no," I mumbled, following down a hallway and into another room.

Three other men stood in there, all with white coats on.

I stood back a bit, clumsily walking into the chair behind me and catching their attention. One at the computer looked up, smiling, while the other two introduced themselves.

"I'm Calum,"

"I'm Luke,"

"Why are there four of you?" I asked, cautiously sitting on the bed.

"For patients like you," the man said, "who are nervous, I'm Ashton,"

He took my hand, shaking it while everyone else got ready. My eyes dropped when he stopped but still had a grip on my hand.

I was surprised when he pulled my jumper back down, squeezing my hand before grabbing a tool.

"What's that?"

"You know what a stethoscope is, its only been two years since your last checkup," Calum chuckled, sitting next to me.

"It's just gonna go up your jumper so I can hear your breathing and your heart,"

I grasped Calum's coat as the cold metal touched my skin, Ashton putting it on my back and telling me to take deep breaths. That felt impossible.

"Are there no women?"

"I'm afraid not, Michael isn't as scary as he looks though," Luke smirked.

Before I could even protest, Ashton shone a light in my eye then grabbed a small wooden stick.

"Can you open wide for me?"

"Don't put it down my throat,"

"I won't," he assured, "Luke stop bickering and comfort the poor girl,"

Now, Luke kept his hand on my knee and Calum rested his on my back. Reluctantly, I opened my mouth and gagged as he put the wooden stick on my tongue.

"That all looks good, same thing in your ears but without the stick, obviously,"

"No," I whimpered, flinching away.

"It won't hurt,"

"Why don't you talk to me about school, and how on Earth you get such good grades," Michael suggested, leaning on the counter where I could see him.

"Well, I have lots of time to study so I do that. We don't really go out,"

"What's your favourite subject?" he asked, a small whine escaping when Ashton put the tool in my ear.

"It's ok," Luke soothed.

"History and drama... maybe. I don't have a preference I just like coming to school,"

I let Calum do my blood pressure since I knew what that was, before Ashton got me to stand up.

They measured my height, then got me to step on the scale.

"All perfect. However, we have to make sure you stay healthy which means keeping up on shots,"

"Really?" I mumbled.

"Really, can you all get the stuff while I keep her calm?" Ashton asked, biting his lip as they all left.

Gently, he rolled my sleeves up to reveal a row of scars. Nothing was fresh, but some were more faded than others.

"I need you to talk to me," he said calmly, "because right now I'm in charge of your health, and this is a danger,"

"Don't tell anyone,"


"Please," I sobbed, picking my feet up on to the bed.

"Woah, hey, I've not said anything yet so what's this commotion about,"

"People will just think I do it for attention. I do well in school, a-and I live in a good area with friends and I always do t-the plays,"

"None of that guarantees that you feel good up here," he said, tapping my head, "and it's such a personal thing. Nobody has the right to decide you've got no pain, and that you don't feel trapped,"

"My parents argue a lot, gosh it's so stupid,"

"Nothing is stupid. If something hurts you, it's not stupid because it obviously has a meaning,"

"I mean them, arguing. It makes me feel so alone,"

"I think you've been strong,"

"It's been about a month, I don't have anything in the house anymore. My little sister needs me right now,"

"Okay, okay. But I can't just let this go sweetheart because you're hurting,"


"Hey, I've got an idea okay? Luke is a psychologist, that's why he didn't do any of the medical things today. If I tell him, he could come in during school times and you and him can have a talk about what's bothering you, what's making you happy, why you're a stressing- does that sound good?"

"But my parents will have to know,"

"Yes, they'll have to know the sessions are happening because I need their consent. However, sweetheart, they're not gonna react how you imagine,"

"But what if they do?"

"Then you'll come and find us, or I'll make sure the receptionist has a contact you can call to set up a meeting,"

"I don't know if I'm comfortable with this,"

"Sometimes, you have to do things you don't want to do in order to get the better outcome. I can't force this upon you, but I strongly suggest it,"

"He won't judge me?"

"Never. It's nothing to be ashamed of,"

"What class will I miss?"

"What do you want to miss?"


"Ah yes, I think I can take you out the one lesson to keep you fit and healthy," he teased, handing me a tissue.

"It's gonna be okay, really. It can get better,"



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