Doctor (imagine for karaCurtislove)

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"Mum," I whined, looking at the hospital in front of me. I wasn't going to school, but she thought I was too sick to be home alone so she was dropping me off with Michael instead. I'd be alone in his office all day anyway.

"Look, he's right there, inside you can go back to sleep,"

He stood in the entrance, waiting for me.

My head hurt, my nose ran and my ears hurt. It felt like my throat was blown up, and my body ached as well as a nauseous feeling in my stomach.

But I couldn't even walk into the building.

My heart pounded, and my chest felt tight which made it even harder to breathe. It was alright when Michael was in his normal clothes, but it wasn't Michael when he was dressed for work.

Mum got out the car and opened my door, helping me out the car. She hugged me, walking us both to the entrance.

"Hey babygirl," Michael said, going to hug me. I flinched back, squeezing my hands into fists to stop them shaking.

"I'm gonna leave you with Michael now, if you need him then tell him,"

"Ash, Luke and Cal are on today too, so someone will be in the office with you,"

"How about no one,"

"I'm afraid not," he chuckled, "come on, you look rough,"

"I feel it,"

"We'll see how the days goes,"

"I know how it won't go,"

"And how's that?"

"I won't be sat in an exam room,"

He found a cover and propped my head up with pillows, making me drink some water while he wrote up a report. His page went off but shortly after, Luke walked in.

"You don't look too good," he mumbled, putting the bin by the sofa.

"It's just a cold,"

He reached for my forehead but I hit his hand away, annoyed when he did it again anyway.

"You're burning, I'm not convinced we shouldn't get you an appointment,"


"Sweetheart, you must feel awful. We won't hurt you,"


As he went on his computer, I closed my eyes and desperately tried everything to make this sickness go away.

But it didn't work.

I grabbed the bin and threw up in it, my throat stinging as I choked out a sob. I heard some mumbling but then Luke's hand was on my back, rubbing small circles as my stomach emptied itself.

"Come on Kara, you gonna let us see what medicine you need?"

I shook my head and started to cry, trying hard to catch my breath as I thought of the worst possibility.

"Kara," Michael sighed, running into the room, "come and let Cal and Ash give you a checkup,"


"Well you're having one,"

I shook my head and started crying again, tightly gripping the bin and throwing up again. My thoughts were jumbled, and I couldn't breathe. They got a wheelchair and carefully sat me on it, catching my legs as I tried to resist.

"Kara, listen to me sweetheart," Michael said, "we don't want to hurt you. I'm not going to let them hurt you,"

"Please no,"

"It's gonna be ok,"

They pushed me through the hospital, Michael's hand on my shoulder as we made it to the room. I clung to the chair when they tried to sit me on the bed, my stomach swaying.

I threw up again.

"Oh dear," Ashton sighed, giving me a sick bowl instead, "that's not very nice, is it?"

Calum walked towards me and I flinched, Michael rubbing my back

"I'm gonna listen to your heart and breathing,"


"Yes," he chuckled, slipping the cool metal under my top. It felt like ice against my burning skin.

"You are really anxious," he mumbled, "Can we help in any way?"

"Don't do this,"

"Nice try," Luke sighed, "hold my hand,"

I took his hand and leant back as Ashton came over with gloves on.

"I'm gonna feel the side of your neck, tell me if it's uncomfortable,"

He started pressing down, the whole thing hurting. I leant into Michael and hid my face.

"Did it hurt?"


"Alright, I need to look at your throat too,"

I wiped my tears and sat back up, opening my mouth and letting him put the stick in.

"Good job," Calum praised. I squeezed Luke's hand tighter as Ashton hummed. He gently felt around my jaw, and even under my eyes.

"Calum is gonna look in your ears, then your tummy but then it's over,"

I tried to take my hand away from Luke and Michael, but both had a strong grip on them. This made me panic even more, and I tried falling off the bed. Instead, Ashton caught me.

"Woah, what's going on?"


I couldn't even speak properly anymore.

"I'm not letting go of your hand," Michael resisted, pulling it back again as I tried to move.

Calum looked in both my ears and then got me to lay down, gently pressing down on my stomach. I whimpered and pushed everyone away from me, fed up of everyone being so close.

"You have the flu," Ashton sighed, "and you've not had the flu jab,"

"No," I cried, "no, no, no,"

I got off the bed and stumbled across the room, Michael catching me in his arms. He stood behind me and held me to his chest, holding my arms down.

"Get off,"


"Get off!"


"Michael, let me," Luke said, swapping places and gently rubbing my stomach.

"It's gonna be okay sweetheart," he said, "Michael will take you home after this and stay with you,"

Calum cleaned my arm and I felt the sting, tensing up which made it hurt more.

"All done,"

"Michael," I sighed, letting him hug me.

"We'll get your medicine, and go straight home. I'm sorry,"



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