Dentist (idkaskniall)

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"Rach, it's nice to have to back again," Calum beamed, pulling me into a hug at the train station.

"How was uni? You were nervous when we moved you in,"

"Stressful, but amazing. My flat mates are tidy as well,"

"Wish I could've said the same,"

We got into his car and he put the radio on, both of us singing to our favourite songs; he'd taught me to love music through his love of music.

It was hard to sing along fully because my mouth had been aching recently, but being back home comforted me more than enough to get ignore that. I was staying at Cal's place for the night, before meeting with with mum tomorrow.

"I thought we could order a pizza, stick on some movies and chill?"

"Sounds good to me,"

"Do you have much work to do at home?"

"Not much, I did a lot before so I didn't have to now,"

"Good thinking,"

I'd always adored my older brother. He was conscientious, forgiving and selfless to anyone and everyone. He worked hard, he earned good money, and had great friends. I wanted that.

When we got to his flat, he took my bags for me and we went upstairs to his place. It was a cosy flat, with warm lighting, blankets and oak furniture. He had candles, and Duke, who came running towards us.

"Hello,' I cooed, "did Calum put you in any more silly costumes,"

He barked and nuzzled into my side, so I stroked his back. Calum called for the pizza and tidied a little.

"What candle shall I put on?"

"I don't know, that's your choice,"

"Yeah but... I don't know,"

"Cinnamon? Cal, I'm a broke uni student, I've not chosen candles for a while,"

He snorted and lit it, sticking a film on for us. He'd been giving me a weird look for the past ten minutes, but I'd ignored it because he was just a weird person.

Which I was allowed to say after years of being his little minion.

The pizza came and we settled on the sofa, under a giant blanket, putting the film on. As we ate, my mouth felt more irritated, more than it had before, and I could feel Calum's eyes now burning into me.

"Rach, you okay?"


"Your cheek is looking a little swollen,"


"Is it not hurting you to eat?"

"Well yeah, a little bit,"

He snorted and shook his head, shutting the pizza box and standing up.

"Come on, I'll check it out,"



"No, I came home to relax,"

"I can't just ignore the fact that your cheek is ginormous,"

"Calum, I'm not going,"

"You'll be okay. It's too late to do anything right now, but I can get you medicine if I take a look,"

He held his hand out and I shrunk back; he took my hand and pulled me to stand.

"Get your coat and shoes on,"

"Calum, I'm fine,"

He didn't reply, grabbing his car keys and shoes before resting his hand on my back to guide me forward.

"Cal," I said more quietly, "please,"

"It'll be fine, Rach. Don't worry,"

I gulped and we went downstairs to the car, both getting in. I felt my stomach churning.

"Don't be mad at me,"

"Well I came home wanting to relax for a little with my brother, now we're back to everything you saying goes,"

"Rach, hey? Don't start saying things because you're angry that you'll regret,"


He took my hand once we were on our way, and rubbed circles into it to calm me down... it didn't work in the slightest. When we arrived at the office, he unlocked it and turned on all the lights for us, leading me to his office.

The pungent smell burnt my nose, and my gut dropped at the sight of everything. He handed me a toothbrush and toothpaste so I brushed my teeth, and then he got me to sit down.



"Can we go home?"

He sat on his chair and rolled infront of me, taking both my hands. He kissed my head and let me put my head on his shoulder.

"You'll be okay,"

"What will you do?"

"Just take a look, and decide if we need to do anything else. Trust me okay?"

"I do, but that doesn't make me any less scared,"

He pouted and handed me a teddy, making me grin a little. He put gloves on and I reluctantly laid back, trying not to look up wt him or the light.

"Okay Rach, I'm gonna take a look okay?"

I nodded and flinched as he put the mirror in my mouth, carefully pulling my swollen cheek back. He added pressure and I cringed, but it was over just as quick as it started.

I sat up and he took his gloves off, as well as his mask, and opened his arms for a hug. Gladly, I accepted, keeping my head pushed against his chest.

"How long has that been bugging you ay? That's your wisdom teeth, which we will get sorted out,"


"Not now, but before uni. For now, you need some painkillers,"

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