Dentist (anon)

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"You need to wake up now Lane," dad said, squeezing my shoulder.

"Go away,"

"Don't talk to me like that,"

"I'll call you Ashton if you want,"

"I know you don't want this, but the quicker you get up, the quicker we get this over with,"

"I'm hungry,"

"Well you can eat since you don't want to be put to sleep,"

I nodded and climbed out of bed, stumbling into his hug.

"Luke will be helping, but just doing the suction. He doesn't even have to talk if you don't want,"

I nodded and went downstairs, folding my arms and looking at the cupboards. You'd think they were pretty full for just the two of us, but we ate a lot and dad's friends always came with empty stomachs.

He had made me a glass of orange juice already, so I just grabbed the bread and stuck it in the toaster. It was super early, and I wasn't in the mood.

"Go and wait at the table, I'll butter it for you,"

I slumped at the table and downed the orange juice, not looking up at dad when he sat down.

He had to remove my wisdom teeth today, and I was less than impressed as well as terrified.

"I won't feel it right?"

"No, I'm gonna give you some stronger gas, and numb your whole mouth. You'll feel a bit loopy and still hear me but not feel a thing,"


"I've done this many times, don't worry about it. You're my little girl so I wouldn't hurt you,"

"Not little," I grinned, although I was quite short.

He took my empty plate and sent me upstairs to brush my teeth, making sure I did it extra so they didn't have to clean my teeth beforehand.

I heard the front door open which mean he was waiting in the car.

I'd only look more like a mess after the appointment so I didn't bother looking good.

"You can plug your phone in," he smiled, reversing out of our drive.

"What happens if you don't take them out?"

"They cause you more pain, and can cramp all your teeth together as well as become infected. Your braces weren't for nothing,"

"Calum would be mad,"

"I think you'd be more mad at yourself,"

I shrugged and looked ahead, seeing the clinic and groaning. Admittedly, I was so anxious I wanted to throw up.

Dad held my hand and led us to the exam room where Luke already was, getting me to sit down. It was no secret that I was already tense on the dentist chair, without needing my mouth cut open.

"Okay babygirl, I'm gonna take a look okay?"

"Don't poke,"

"I'm gonna have to, but I'll be careful,"

He leant the chair back and put on gloves, resting the mask on his chin.

"It's just me, your stupid old dad," he smiled, pulling up the mask, "good job,"

I closed my eyes, feeling him look at each tooth. He rubbed something across my mouth then moved the light.

"Those teeth are almost as awkward as you," he muttered, sticking his tongue out at me.

"I'm really scared,"

"We know babygirl. What I'm gonna do is put this heart rate monitor on your finger, and give you some gas before numbing you."

Luke slipped it on my finger, picking up the gas.

"You know what you're doing, right?" I asked him, a grin appearing on his face.

"Yes, Lane, and if you wanna hold my hand then raise your hand,"

"What if I want to stop?"

"I'm just going straight through it, you'll be too out of it to need to stop,"

I nodded and looked up at dad, letting them put the gas across my nose. While they waited for it to kick in, dad rubbed my stomach.

Suddenly, I felt super tired.

"Okay, can you open your mouth for me Lane?" he asked, resting his hand under my jaw, "that's it, so good,"

It was weird, because I could feel the numbing in my mouth but not really the pain. I hated it, but I wasn't going to sleep.

Dad looked calm, so I watched his face as he numbed all my mouth. He kept speaking but I couldn't really pay attention unless he used my name.

"Lane, this will keep your mouth open because you're struggling a bit,"


"It's okay sweetheart,"

My head flopped a little but I moved it back, my whole body feeling heavy. Luke started suctioning and I could feel dad getting a tooth out. He was having to wiggle and push; it was intense.

"Keep breathing Lane,"

"One tooth out,"

It went like that another two times, but I was starting to get overwhelmed the fourth time. Dad numbed it again to make sure, but my mind wasn't cooperating.

I raised my hand, and felt Luke immediately take it.

"We can go home after this and have some mashed potato, or a smoothie or some warm soup,"


"We can cuddle, stay still for me Lane,"

Luke rubbed circles on my hand as dad got the last tooth out, cleaning my mouth with water and the suction.

I felt them take the gas off me, but they kept the chair pretty low.

"I think this deserves a special treat," he said, making sure I bit on the gauze, "When you're all better we can go out shopping for a day, get some new clothes,"

I nodded and closed my eyes, reaching up for his hands.

"I've stitched it all up so it shouldn't been too long, say thankyou to Luke,"

"Good job," I giggled.

"On that note," dad laughed, "let's get you home,"

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