Doctor (NewVals)

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Each second made me feel more and more like a failure.

Each second was a word I could've written.

Each second made my stomach twist. My throat sting. My nose run. My eyes water.

The page beneath me was practically empty, and I only had twenty minutes left.

I would fail everything.

The last week, I'd revised and revised, all for nothing. I'd not slept, hardly eaten, and everything ached. My head pounded. My ears rang. My hands were weak.

My parents would be mad, but more importantly, I'd screwed myself over.

I could've got on with this- I put in the work.

I raised my hand, trembling, on the verge of a break down.

"Yes Val?"

"P-please can I go to the toilet," I said hoarsely, my voice cracking with every word.

"Are you finished?"

"I can't,"

"What do you mean?" he asked, the class now burning holes into the back of my head.

"I-I can't,"

My bunged up nose made my tears strained, coming out fragmented and ugly.

"I suggest you go to the nurses office,"

"Sir, they have training people in today," another said.

"Well, Val is sick. Bring me your paper,"

Clumsily, I packed my bag and gave him my paper, stumbling through the school.

I expected one training person, but there were two in the room. One for each nurse, I guessed.

I knocked on the door, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hello- oh, hey love,"

"Come and take a seat, my name is Luke,"

He closed the door behind him, letting me into a large room. I slumped on onto of the chairs, my sobs getting more and more broken.

"You've got yourself all in a state," he said, handing me a box of tissues.

"Who is everyone?" I asked, not wanting to be in a room of strangers.

"That's Michael, then Calum and Ashton,"

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be sorry," Calum said.

"Just take your time to calm down," Ashton nodded, Michael taking my bag.

Once I'd controlled my tears a bit more, Luke pulled a chair up. I guessed I was supposed to sit on the bed, but he didn't seem to mind.

"You know us, so can you tell us your name?"

"Val, from Mr Green's class,"

"Okay, why are we so worked up ay?"

"I-," I started, my voice going.

Michael passed me a cup of water, tears filling my eyes again.

"I had an exam,"

"They can be stressful," Ashton nodded, "and my guess is that you've revised all week,"

"I've wasted it,"

"We'll make sure you do the exam again," Luke assures, "You're way too sick. So many teenagers work themselves too hard,"

"Do you have a revision timetable?" Calum asked.

All the questions overwhelmed me, and a tear fell. The sympathetic looks on their faces annoyed me, but at least they cared.

"I just wanted to do well,"

"That's okay, just split it up a little more. Half an hour then a break, then another half an hour,"

"I feel so sick," I said, the cup dropping from my hand.

"I'm sorry,"

"Let's see what's up," Ashton said, leading me off the chair and onto the bed.

"I'm so stupid,"

"You're not stupid," he said, putting some gloves on, "You're not stupid,"

"This is like a doctors?"

"You go to a very good school," he chuckled, "just relax for me,"

Michael was cleaning the water, and Luke had gone to the phone, while Calum sat next to me.

Ashton used the stethoscope, pushing my hunched shoulders down.

"I'm just like a normal doctor, so I'm just doing a normal checkup,"

"I want to go home,"

"I know, but I've got to give you the best advice I can,"

"Your mum will be coming soon sweetheart," Luke said, "do you want another drink?"

"I'm shaking,"

"Okay, just calm down," Calum said quietly, "I think you need a drink,"

"What if something's wrong with me?"

"Nothing is wrong with you, you're tired and stressed," Michael replied, giving me more water.

Ashton waited with a light while the other three were watching me like a hawk.

"You are going to retake the exam one day, but for now, you need to let me check you're okay and rest up at home,"

I opened my mouth and he looked at my throat, gently feeling down the side of my neck as well.

"You need to take some strong painkillers, and eat some ice cream," he smiled.

"Which do you suggest?" Calum asked the other two.

"Chocolate always works best," Michael smiled, Calum nodding.


"You're welcome," Luke said, "if you're ever stressed, talk to your teachers, or even us,"

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