Dentist (imagine for KristynY19)

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"Niall," I said calmly, "come on, we have to go. Ash is waiting,"

"I'm gonna skip,"

"No you're not. It's only my twin, and I'm pretty sure he's the better one,"

"Don't say that," he pouted, standing up, "just because you took a break before studying it doesn't make you any less good,"

"Whatever, he's waiting,"

He grumbled and got his coat on, taking my hand as we walked outside. It was already shaking , and I knew how nervous he was.

I drove because he was way too distracted- it hurt. This would be my job soon, and I hoped so badly that he wasn't scared of me. It shouldn't be scary, Ash and I only wanted to help.

His knee was bouncing, while I was completely cool. I knew I needed something done, and I expected he did too.

When we arrived, I took his hand again and relaxed at the sight of Ashton waiting for us. He pulled me in for a hug and pat Niall's shoulder, leading us to the exam room.

"Who's up first?"

"That would be me," I smiled, sitting down and sending Niall a thumbs up.

"Any problems,"

"A bit of sensitivity,"

"Okay, well we have time to do things today if you want," he nodded, putting on gloves and a mask.

"No thankyou," Niall nodded, "I'm good,"

"No you're not," I said, "Just watch, Ashton doesn't hurt me at all,"

I opened my mouth and felt him check all my teeth and gums, getting me to bite down.

"Okay, you feel this?" he asked, prodding two teeth, "they're just two small cavities. I'll fill them for you,"

He swiped numbing across my gums and prepped, waiting a few minutes.

"Have you two been okay?"

"Yeah," I smiled. Niall just hummed, Ash frowning.

"Look, I'm the one who heard Kristyn rave about you for ages, and I know how happy you make her, so I don't see why I'd hurt you,"

"He has a point," I said, "I'm not even gonna flinch,"

I opened my mouth and Ashton gave me the shot- I'd had enough in training that it meant nothing.

"See, if she wasn't paying attention, I guarantee she wouldn't even notice,"

I waited patiently as he filled the teeth, finishing in minutes because they were so small. Jokingly, he gave me a sticker and got me to swap with Niall.

"Okay, let's take a look," Ashton smiled, "Kristyn, come and hold his hand,"

I took the other chair, rolling over and holding both his hands to his chest. He opened his mouth and Ashton nodded, calmly starting to check his teeth.

He kept wincing, which concerned me, especially when Ashton rubbed numbing gel in all corners of his mouth.

"You wouldn't know your girlfriend is a dentist," he mumbled, "you have six cavities,"


"It's okay," I smiled, "he's gonna use laughing gas,"

"I don't want a needle,"

"You won't feel it, I promise,"

"No, Ashton, please,"

"Niall," I sighed, "it's okay,"

Ash slipped the laughing gas over her nose as I rubbed small circles on his hand. He didn't break eye contact with me until it had kicked in, his shoulders dropping.

"It's worked," I laughed, "how are you feeling?"


"Okay, open your mouth mate,"

Ashton gave him two shots to start with, filling all the teeth on that side. I was a bit disappointed that he had so many cavities, but I had two myself so I couldn't talk.

"You're doing so good," I smiled, watching Ash numb the other side. I aspired to be so graceful and comforting as him.

"You won't be doing this again, right?" he teased, Niall humming and closing his eyes. I knew he hated the noise, so when it was over I was glad for him.

"All over," Ashton smiled, taking off the gas, "she'll take care of you,"

I helped him up and wrapped my arm round his waist, leading him to the car. He was a little out of it, but enough to sit up on the way home.

"You need to get on the sofa," I chuckled, not resisting when he pulled me along.

"Thankyou for holding my hand,"

"Ash put so much gas in you,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too," I smiled, pushing his onto the sofa and cuddling with him, "well done,"

5SOS doctor/ dentist imagines Where stories live. Discover now