Doctor (nicobiersack2)

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Waiting rooms were the worst.

Coughing. Sneezing. Crying.

Posters to tell you what to do, and when you need an ambulance.

Parents with the kids who held toys and hugged them. Mine weren't here, despite knowing how petrified of shots I was.

"Bobbi Smith?"

My attention was drawn to a young doctor, a small smile on his face. I stood up and gulped, walking towards him.

"You don't have a parent?"

"I'm 16,"

"Sorry, I'm Luke, Michael just sent me," he shrugged, leading me to a room, "usually it's Michael and I, but some new staff have come to watch how it works,"

"Oh," I mumbled- they'd all see me.

"They're actually our friends, so they will help,"

He opened the door and there were three other doctors. It wasn't a large room, and felt very cramped, which didn't help at all.

The air was swept from my lungs, and I shrugged my jacket off. Heat seemed to cling onto my body.

"Hi, I'm Michael," one of them said, "and that's Calum and Ashton. They're just in the way,"

"He's trying to be funny," Calum sang, "because you look nervous,"

"I'm... fine,"


"I am. My mind is just wandering elsewhere,"

"What's up then?" Ashton asked, leaning forward in his seat.

"It doesn't matter,"

Luke just smiled again, taking my coat fully off me and passing me a cup of water. I was grateful, but wanted to leave sooner rather than later.

"How's school going then?" Michael asked.

"It's okay,"

"How are you sleeping?"

I shrugged and swung my legs, wondering why they needed to ask this all. Like every year, I was just here for a checkup.

"I'm okay,"

"No need to be so moody," Calum smiled.

"Please can you just get on with it?" I whispered.

Luke slipped the stethoscope up my top, looking up at me as he waited.

"Relax," he said quietly, holding my shoulder and tapping it slightly, "that sounds perfect,"

"Why do I need this every year?"

"To make sure you're growing how you should be," Ashton nodded, Luke gently feeling round my neck.

"Could you step on the scales?" Michael asked, fiddling with the top of his pen as I did so. They took my height and I sat back down for the blood pressure.

"How is school work going?"

"Why do you keep asking me about school?"

"Calm down," Luke sighed, "please,"

"Talk about something you want," Calum suggested.

"I don't know. I just want to leave,"

"Almost done," Ashton smiled.

"Can't we be done now?"

"I'm afraid not," Michael sighed, Luke catching me as I slipped off the bed. Everything was closing in, including my lungs, and I desperately looked round. Ashton stood up, then Calum, but I just shrunk back.

"Hey, hey, hey... you said you wanted I leave, it'll be quick,"

"Please no,"

"It's okay," Calum said, gently taking my hand and leading me to the bed. I shook my head and sat down, Luke doing the same beside me. Calum and Ashton held a hand each and Michael rolled my sleeve up.

"Please let me go," I sobbed, "I don't want this,"

"You're fine, I promise,"

"My chest feels tight,"

"Just take some deep breaths,"

"Ow!" I exclaimed, feeling the needle, "ow ow ow,"

"All done,"

"You don't need to cry still," Ashton soothed, passing me a tissue.

"I'm sorry,"

"Don't be," Luke said, "just keep doing what you're doing,"

"Do you want a sticker?" Calum teased, a small smile cracking into my face.

"Now he's trying to be funny," Michael grumbled.

"But there's one difference," Luke grinned, "it actually worked,"

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