Doctor (imagine for -smileycashton)

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With every step I took, my hip ached. My hair was most likely a mess, and I hadn't slept a wink last night.

It was the last class of the day, so I just dumped my stuff down and didn't pay much attention. We were only going over the tests and I'd done alright- for me, anyway.

People had been having physicals all day but mum had said no, obviously not wanting them to figure it out. She did this to me but I had the burden of hiding it, because if she knew I'd said anything... it wouldn't go well.

After fiddling with my pen for 15 minutes I heard my name, looking up.

"Elise, can you follow miss please? Take your stuff,"

I shoved my things into my bag and flung it across my shoulder, walking with as little limp as possible. My mum could've rang in to change her mind- or something bad had happened.

My stomach dropped. She could've drank too much, or driven irresponsibly, or gone missing.

"What is this for?"

"Your physical. Sorry it's so last minute, your mum told us she wanted it done so can you fill out the form?"

I sat down and filled it out, answering all the questions I could. Ones about my doctor I couldn't fill in, in fact it hit me that this was my first proper doctors appointment since I was a kid. School did jabs there, so I had no purpose to go.

"Elise? Hi, I'm Calum," a man said, walking out the room and holding his hand out. Hesitantly, I shook it and stood up.

He was dressed in scrubs, and that was enough to send me panicking.

"That's Ashton, Luke and Michael,"

"There's four?"

"Well we had all packed up to leave, but then got a message that you were coming. Hop onto the bed for me,"

They couldn't see. If they saw I would be so vulnerable, and if my mum didn't get charged then I'd be in for it.

But I was in so much pain, and they were doctors- they could help.

"Do you want me to sit up there with you?" Michael asked, standing up anyway and sitting down. I climbed up next to him and started to tear up.

I was scared.

Of them, of my mum, of what would happen. I was so, so scared.

"Alright then- sweetheart," Calum said, turning to face me, "nothing here can hurt you. The blood pressure might feel a bit weird but nothing will hurt,"


"Hey, hey, look at me," he said, tapping my chin lightly, "you're ok. I just want to make sure you're safe and healthy,"

I nodded and laughed when Ashton gave me a teddy bear, Luke sulking and getting his own.

"This goes under your jumper, I need deep breaths for you ok?"

I nodded and he slipped the stethoscope under my shirt, doing it on my back too. After, he took them off and put it away.

"Still nervous?"

"Yes," I mumbled, pressing my face into Michael's arm and hiding. I was so embarrassed.

"I'm a normal human, like you. I don't have some super power that means I can hurt you, and I know it feels like a sudden violation of privacy but we gotta keep you safe,"

"You've not been for a while either, so there's files to update," Luke explained.

"And we promise that none of us are going to go home talking about any of the patients today, because it's a private thing,"

"You'll be ok," Michael said, "we wouldn't enjoy being doctors if it just caused pain,"

"Let's do blood pressure now, then I'll check your neck, throat and ears and tummy,"

He wrapped the band round my arm, pressing on a cut I got the other day. So that they didn't suspect a thing, I kept still.

I wondered if it was a test from mum. If I can home, I'd successfully hid it but it was risky on her behalf. These guys could get her arrested.

"Is that hurting you? You look like you're in pain,"

"Hm? Oh, no... just thinking," I smiled, although it was burning like crazy. He nodded and took it off, gently moving my hair behind my back.

It felt uncomfortable to have him touching my neck, and I hunched up. He could grab it, it's happened before.

"Elise, sweetheart," he sighed, rubbing my shoulder as I started to tear up again. This whole situation was stressing me out, and it was too close.

"Take a deep breath with me," Ashton said, sitting next to me.

"I can't,"

Carefully, he took my hand and placed it on his chest to show me what to do. I calmed down a little, but I was frustrated with myself.

"I'm almost done," Calum said, gently pressing my neck again and grabbing a light, "Can I check inside?"

I opened my mouth and he looked, putting the head piece on the tool.

"I'm trying to work as quick as I can for you love, I'm gonna check your ears now,"

I whined, Michael taking my hand and Ashton adjusting the teddy bear. After Calum was done, he cleared everything away.

"Ok, last thing. I'm gonna press certain areas of your tummy and if they hurt you have to tell me,"

I laid back on the bed,  clenching my fist as I swung my leg over. Closing my eyes, I let him put his hand under my jumper to press down.

It was all going well until he reached the bottom, basically pressing my hip. I yelled and he stopped, the others scrambling over to my side.

"Elise, what happened to your hip?" he asked, putting gloves on and pushing my hoodie up more. Now they could see my stomach laced with cuts and bruises.

"I don't know,"

Luke slid a pair of gloves on too and I propped myself up, shaking my head.


"Leave me alone! You don't know me, and I'm here trying to let you do your job- which you have finished !" I shouted, trying to move.

Only, Ashton and Michael pushed me back down.

"We have to clean your cuts, and look at your hip," Luke said calmly, "Can you tell us what happened?"

"You know. You know what happened but you just want me to say it,"

I sobbed as Calum touched my hip, putting pressure on it while Luke wiped my stomach.

"We have an idea, but we don't know. We don't want to make assumptions,"

"I don't want to be alone," I said, my voice breaking in despair. Calum took his gloves off and stood by my head, gently running his hand through my hair.

"If you tell us what happened, we can ring the right people and see what we can do. It might even be possible for you to come and stay with me for a bit, if you'd like,"

"Why me?"

"Because everyone deserves a proper home. It's a long system too, and I could save you from that. Everyone deserves a safe place,"


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