Doctor (cosmicnighttime)

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They just kept coming.

Person after person through our front door- it wasn't even Christmas.

It was like what I thought was our whole family, times by ten.

I recognised Uncle Daryl and Auntie Karen, meaning Michael was here but I'd not seen him for years. My grandparents were here, and that's pretty much where the list ended. My parents may talk to everyone but I didn't.

I could hardly talk to the ones I did know.

"Michael's excited to see you," they said, "he's just graduated as a doctor,"

I nodded and looking round, gulping. The place was full. No where to sit, no where to hide, no one to talk to.

However, I kept it cool on the outside. Not a single person in here could tell that I was getting overwhelmed, my heart thumping, my palms sweating, my head spinning my thoughts like a tornado.

No one here knew.

I didn't just want to stand there, so I went to go upstairs as no one would notice.

"Daisy, you can't go up there," dad called. Stupidly, I felt tears already appearing.

I was suffocating, and my body was tense, and now everyone's eyes were on me.

Everyone was looking.

As I dropped my head and went back downstairs, Michael excused himself and ran over.

"Trying to run away?" he teased, picking me up as he hugged me. I just shrugged and clenched my fists.

"So what's been going on?"

Even he didn't notice, and I often considered him more like a brother than a cousin.

Again, I just shrugged. It hurt my head. My stomach swirled. And I could hear the chatter, and my body took each word and seemed to slap me round the face, just to remind me that everyone was here.

Michael took my hand, but continued to talk.

"I've been looking at the human body for so long I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore," he chuckled, "this isn't working?"

"What isn't?" I snapped.

"One of the things you can do is distract someone before an attack starts,"

"There's too many sounds," I whispered, covering my ears.

"Listen to me, we're going to the floor," he said; I hoped no one saw.

By now I was gasping, clutching onto any air my desperate lungs could find. My cheeks were burning, and I couldn't even sit how Michael wanted me to.

I couldn't do things right.

"Loosen up," he whispered, tapping both my knees, "let your body just flop,"

"I can't,"

"You can, lay down if you want,"

"Daisy if you're upstairs," mum called.

"Don't worry! She's with me,"


"I know, I know,"

"It feels like I need to cry,"

"Okay," he soothed, "you can,"

"But I can't,"

He gently rubbed my stomach, shushing me as I tried to sit up.

My mind was just spinning, and I could hear people moving about. I grabbed Michael's hand and tried to start taking deep breaths.

"We are going upstairs, and it doesn't matter what your parents say," he assured, lightly pulling me towards the stairs.

Everything got louder, and bigger, but I felt smaller. I felt tiny.

"Sit with your head in your knees,"


"I am, everything is going to be okay," he said softly, rubbing my back with a lot of pressure.

"Breathe in... and out... and in-
you can do it,"

"There's so many people,"

"It's just me and you here though, we will stay up here,"


He shushed me and held my shoulders, telling me it was okay over and over.

I reached up and held his hands, making him move infront of me.

"You're still not breathing normally,"

I leant forward and he wrapped his arms round me, just holding me as I calmed down. Our parents were always together, so we were always together. Both of us were single children too.

"I didn't think you'd learn this at school," I sighed, feeling my chest become a bit lighter.

"We touch on it, but I can get them pretty bad too. They're all different for each person, but it seems what worked for me might not work the best for you,"

"You get all anxious?"

"Everybody gets anxious, we just might a little bit more, or get it a little bit worse,"


"Sometimes people just do. You've just got to remember there's always a way out of it, and that you can get through it. Call me, or even my mum and dad,"

"I still don't feel good,"

"I know, but you will- eventually,"

5SOS doctor/ dentist imagines Where stories live. Discover now