baR nIgHt wIth dA bOis

397 17 4

Is was Saturday and Yoongi usually walks past the subway every Saturday with his friends. So I decided to go out to a bar with jimin and his friend jungkook, then I'd stop by and admire him, heh..


It was 6:45 and jimin and Jungkook had picked me up. "Hey gurl you lookin finnneeee" the kiddo says. "Excuse me that is noona to you not 'gurl'" I finger quoted. "Sorry noona" he looks at the ground trying
the not to cackle. "Yeah kookie knock it off" jimin says slapping the back of his head. "Eyes on the road douche" kookie says.

"Aww kookie thats cute arent cookies suppose to be innocent" I asked. "Unless they're loaded with drugs" kookie said. "So your loaded with drugs?" I ask. "Thats not what I ment..." He laughs. "Dumbass" jimin says. "Whats with the attitude chim?" I ask. "Ani nothing.." He said.


We get to the bar and he's there.

I suddenly flip out and take 7 shots and hide in the bathroom for a few hours. Yes hours..

It was 10:39 pm and I decided to head to the subway. Luckily I was sober by now. I ran there and sat at my usual spot.

And when it hit 11 pm they walked by. A tall guy and a really handsome guy with min yoongi...

But this night wasnt a normal night

"Guys go on ill catch up" yoongi said.

He turned around and..

We made..


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