iDk wHat tO cAlL tHis

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Its been weeks since I've seen jimin, yoongi, jungkook, taehyung or any of his friends... I did see someone a few weeks back though it was the day after jimin was drunk...

-flash back-

I was nervous but I met whoever it was there anyways. I sat down at a table and I saw a tall man approach me. He was very handsome. He sat down and smiled at me. Oohhh those dimple could kill.. "Hello I am Kim Namjoon you must be kim yuna am I right?" He asked shaking my hand. "Uh.. Yes why did you ask me here and how did you get my number." I ask. "Oh right I stole it from jimin, as for the other question I'm not sure." He said. "How can you not be sure" I asked in a annoyed tone. "Well Mmm maybe I do, I guess.. I heard so much about you from jimin I just had to meet you." He said smiling. Oh those dimples.... "W-why though" I studder. "You seemed very nice and I need more female friends well I mean id like to have a female friend?" He said in a questioning tone. "F-friend?" I asked. "Yes if thats fine with you.." He replied winking. "Id love that." I said smiling. I mean he seemed nice so why not? "Kamsahamnida" he said getting up to pay for his coffee and he left..

-end of flash back-

"I wonder what happened to them" I say.


I pick up my phone.

Namjoon: its Taehyung, hes in the hospital...

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