Taming You (2)

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Jennie's POV

"Granny, I'll leave now. See you later!" I called out to my nanny who'm I considered as my grandma, she was the one who raised me together with my father. I headed towards the mahogany door and opened it, but I stop when I heard her footsteps coming.

"Eat your breakfast first, Jen. It's the most important meal--"

"It's the most important meal among the three, I get it Granny. But I'm in a hurry." I chimed in while looking for my car keys in my bag. Once I get ahold of it I look at her. She looked at me with so much concern across her wrinkled face. I sigh and held her left hand.

"I will eat once I arrived in the office, I promise. Don't worry okay? I really need to go. Bye! Take care of yourself." I said and turn my heels and walk towards the garage and get my car.

I checked the time on my wristwatch as I made my way to my office, I don't want to be late even if I own the company, that is one of the things my father told me when I was just training on taking over the company. I own an Entertainment Company that is quite famous here in Seoul. My father gave me his position last year because he said that he is getting older already, I shook my head remembering that day. I was shock when he just told me that I'll be taking over the company as if its nothing.

"I've decided to give you the company already, I'm not getting younger anymore Ruby Jane. And I know that you are ready, you've been training since you reached eighteen and now that you're already 23, I know that you can do this. Don't worry, I will guide you still, I won't leave you behind."

That was what he said when I started complaining about all the negative thoughts that was bothering me that time. And he stayed true to his words; if I have a problem regarding the projects and such about the company, he'll be there as what he promised me.

"I missed you Appa." I sigh as I parked my car. I grabbed my things and made sure that I lock my car before heading to the elevator that would lead me to the 20th floor where my office is.

The employees all greeted me as I walk passed them, I just nodded my head and entered my office. I closed the door and settled myself on my desk. I grab the telephone and dialed my secretary's line, she wasn't in her desk when I walk by a while ago so might as well call her, I need to eat my breakfast or granny would gone mad.

"Miss Kim?" she automatically answered it.

I told her to order some pancakes and coffee for me, I also ask her about my schedule this day and ended the call. I leaned on my swivel chair and heave a deep sigh, I need to see the new recruit models after I eat-- that is one of my schedule for today. I grab the folder above my desk and started to read the backgrounds of the new models, I need to see them doing their work so that I can easily decide who to dump and to hire. I was busy reading when a series of knocks stopped me. I look up and told that someone to come in. The glass door opened and my secretary comes in with a paper bag on her hands. I removed my spectacles and placed it neatly on my table.

"What took you so long?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"My apologies Miss Kim, my cars broken so I walk from here to your favourite coffee shop, back and forth." she explains and placed the bag above the table in front of the leather couch at the corner of my office. I snorted and shooed her out of my office. I don't like waiting, really. I made my way towards where my food is and devoured it, I'm actually hungry.


After having my little breakfast, Ana, my secretary-- yeah, she actually has a name-- called me and told me that the new models are all in the training room. I made my way there and I was welcomed by a number of all good-looking men and women, they all greeted me once I stepped in the room. I only give them a side glance and walk to where the seniors are, they are the people who are going to help me pick the right models. They all stand up and greeted me too, I wave my hand signaling them to take their seats and I also settled down. The chair beside me is still empty, I shook my head and was about to ask Mr. Evans where is the one who should be sitting beside me when the door suddenly burst open and created a loud bang that cause me to jolt on my seat.

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