Taming You (30)

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Lisa immediately saw the broken frame on Jennie's office floor as soon as she stepped inside. Beside it, was a broken glass, and water was surrounding the shreds of glasses.

"What happened here?" Lisa turn to Jennie.

"I accidentally knocked it." the CEO said and calls her secretary.

"Page Roseanne and tell her to bring cleaning tools. She needed to clean this mess inside my office. ASAP." she said before closing the door again.

"Why Rosé? I mean, you have lots of people for this work. Unless she also applied as your janitor?" Lisa raise her brows.

"Rosé as a janitor sounds good, but no. That glass of water was actually hers, she was here yesterday just loitering inside my office and I didn't noticed that she put that glass just behind that frame. I didn't see it when I reached out for the frame so I knock it and I also let go of the frame because of total shock. Domino effect." Jennie shrug and sat on her couch. Lisa settled herself beside her, leaving a comfortable space between them.

Jennie waited for the tall woman to ask series of questions, but minutes had passed already and she hadn't say anything. Lisa just sat there, being quiet and all.

Jennie turn her body sideways so that she's facing Lisa. "You can ask, you know." she said.

"Hmm? About what?" Lisa raise her brows.

"Aren't you curious why Chahee was here earlier? Like what was she doing inside my office and such?"

"I am. But I won't ask if you don't want to talk about it. I'm maybe nosy but I know when to be one." Lisa said and winked at her.

Jennie smiled, a sad one. "She... told me things." she started.

"Like what? How the weather was nice today?" Lisa teased and glance outside the tall glass window behind Jennie's desk.

"Yah! I'm serious here! I won't waste my time talking about the weather! That's absurd!" she slapped Lisa's right thigh.

The tall woman laugh heartily. "Okay. I'll shut up now." she then zipped her mouth.

"Did you know why I stopped talking to my Mother?" Jennie ask instead and grab Lisa's hand placing it above her thighs, she can relax feeling Lisa's warmth against her skin.

"Because she married another man." Lisa said, remembering that chilly night when she brought Jennie to her secret place after catching a punch for her.

"Yeah, that's one of the many reasons." Jennie nodded her head. "She went away with her new family, God knows where. And the saddest thing was, she never said goodbye." Jennie said and her mind brought her back to that very day.

It was a chilly evening outside the Kim's Mansion, winter is already here and it's making Jennie shiver more under her thick comforter. Her mandu cheeks were kind of ruddy and she's very frail at the moment because of her fever. It's been three days since this fever hit her. Her father was standing at the bottom of her bed, looking at her with so much worry. He already contacted their family doctor because he knew that his daughter doesn't like hospitals.

"Mooom." Jennie mumbled against the cold air. She was asleep yet she kept mumbling incoherent words and the only understandable word was her calling out for her mother and it breaks her father's heart.

"Mom..." she called out again while moving her head from side to side.

"God, Ruby Jane. I just went for a business trip and this happens to you." Mr. Kim breathed and turn to the door when it suddenly opens, revealing Dr. Choi.

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