Taming You (17)

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Lisa Manoban was holding her gun with her left hand while the other was pressed against the wall that is covering her from the enemies. It's just a training but she's really taking it seriously, she wanted to show her father that she deserves to be the heiress of the company. She only had two minutes to bring down all the remaining enemies so she heave a deep breath and prepared herself. There are three enemies left and two bullets of her fake gun. She's making some quick plans on her mind while observing the surroundings. She heard a cracking sound so she immediately turn her body towards the direction where it came from and fire one shot, hitting the opponent on his shoulder that cause him to fell down. She check the time and there's only one minute left. She roll her body and pull the trigger of her gun releasing the last bullet and it hit the other one on her knee. She pulled out her combat knife and in swift movement she grab the shoulder of the remaining enemy and pointed the knife against his neck at the same time when the timer rang. A victorious smirk appeared on her lips together with the groan that Bambam released.

"I won, loser." she said behind his ear before pushing him.

"You're just lucky." Bambam said.

"Tsk. YOU ARE lucky, be thankful that I didn't buried this knife in your neck." Lisa said and left him inside the training room. When she step outside, her father was there, smiling widely at her. She nodded her head and go straight to her cabin to change her clothes.

"LALISA! ARE YOU STILL ALIVE THERE?!" the sudden knock pulled Lisa out from her dream state. She blink for a couple of times before shaking her head. Some random memories are flashing inside her head that made her unconscious about her surroundings.

"Yah, you scared the shit out of me." she said to Jisoo once she open the bathroom door.

"You're taking too long. Pasta here is already complaining because she's famished." she said and jab her thumb towards the girl talking to Nayeon, whom Lisa hadn't meet yet.

"When will she get full? Does she ever get full, anyway?" Lisa ask and set aside the used clothes. Jisoo elbowed her.

"Yah, she might hear you."

"You Kim's are all sadistic." she complained remembering the pinch that Jennie gave her a while ago.

"You were great earlier! I didn't know you dance so well." Jisoo disregard her complaints, of course.

"Nini didn't liked it." Lisa pouted and look at the girl whose standing at the corner of the room talking to Irene.

"She liked it. But the timing was not right." Jisoo said.

"What? I practiced hard for it. And I'm sure that my movements were synchronized with the music." Lisa complained.

"Not that, idiot." Jisoo sigh then roll her eyes. "What I mean is, your dancing was really good, too good that the people were asking for more when you leave. And that was also the reason why Jennie was mad, she don't like it when people noticed you." Jisoo explained further.

"I can't understand." Lisa said with furrowed brows.

"Of course, that's why I prepared follow up explanation." Jisoo said, she knew too well that Lisa was kind of slow when it comes to this kind of things.

"Jennie was being her possessive self. She was amazed by your dance, trust me, I saw it on her face. She just don't like it because of the people who've also seen it. And you were wearing a revealing clothes too. That's why." Jisoo said again, hoping that Lisa finally get it. But the Thai woman was still clueless.

"Oh my god! Jenduek was jealous! There! Clear! But not loud because she might kill me. Don't tell me you still don't get it because I'll be the one to kill you!" Jisoo whispered shout, afraid that the CEO might overheard them.

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