Taming You (5)

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Jennie's POV

I massage my temple after reading the files that Ana gave me this morning, it's almost one in the afternoon but I haven't eaten my lunch yet, Appa would be mad if he'll find out about this. I decided to eat on my favorite place, I grab my purse and left my office.

"Going somewhere, Miss Kim?" Ana asked as I was passing by her table, I stop and flip my hair.

"Yes, I'll be back. What's my schedule this afternoon?"

"This afternoon, I'm going to get the files that I gave you earlier if you're done signing it all by three. And you'll be having a dinner meeting with an investor. That's all." she said without looking at her notes, impressive, even if she's kinda annoying sometimes she's still reliable.

"You can get those files now, I'm done signing it, anyways. And send me the details about that investor."

"Yes Ma'am." she said so I continue walking. Instead of pressing the underground parking lot, I chose to give a little visit on my employees working here on the ground floor. The elevator stops randomly and almost of the people entering it was shock seeing me inside, the elevator was almost full good thing it already reaches the floor I want. I step out it and the employees all bow down greeting me whenever I passed by them. I was observing while walking, I am always in my office and I barely visit this part of my building.

"Good afternoon, Miss Kim." the receptionist greeted me. I smiled at her.

"Hello, Seulgi. How's everything here?" I stop and placed my elbow above the counter.

"Everything is great, Ma'am."

"Oh, stop calling me that. Geez." I said that made her chuckle.

"What can I do? It's working time." she said with a shrug. I nodded and told her that I need to grab some lunch.

"Okay. Stay healthy." she said and wave. I give her a thumbs up and walk towards the parking lot.


*** The bell above the glass door dings as I entered the cute coffee shop. I know I said I want to eat some lunch, but this place is too tempting and I haven't been here for almost two weeks, for sure the owner is looking for me already. I look around and saw that there's only some people inside.

"Welcome to the Hogwarts--!oh! Jennie-yah! You finally visited me after two freaking years!" The lady at the cashier said and bounced like a kid. I chuckled and walk towards her.

"Hello Nayeon, and it's just been two weeks, don't exaggerate things." I said that earned me a smack on my arm.

"I just missed you! So.... how you been?" she asked and place her elbows on top of the counter.

"Tsk, you should ask for my order tho."

"Oh! Wait, I'll call someone to do it for you. Go take a seat." she said and turn to leave but I stop her.

"Jennie Kim, I don't have to ask for your order. You've been odering it since the day you were born--- okay that's too much, but yeah, you've been ordering it since you first step inside this shop." she said and ran to where the kitchen is. I shook my head and made my way to my favourite spot, the Slytherin themed booth.

Everything is about Harry Potter, and I'm loving it cause I also love the movie, especially the books. I saw Nayeon walking towards me with a cup on her hands, she no longer wearing the Ravenclaw cloak, she loves that house tho but she still has the glasses like Harry's placed on the bridge of her nose.

"Take this first while waiting for your order, I made that with love." she said and formed a heart shape using both of her hands.

I cringed but take the cup nonetheless and take a sip, she's one of the amazing barista I've known, oh wait she's the only barista I know so far, haha. Nayeon is a good friend too, her Mom owns this coffee shop and gave it to her just last year and she renovated it and turned it into the world of witchcraft and wizardry. Even tho I hate it but it was actually my mother who brought me first to this place since I was young, and since then I love this already and even if I want to forget all of the things that reminds me of her, this coffee shop is an exemption from it.

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