Taming You (7)

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Jennie's POV

I woke up when I felt the vibration of my phone, I blindly look for it and answers the call without knowing who's calling me.

"Hel---" before I can even greet whoever it is, I was cut off with a loud voice.

"JENNIE RUBY JANE KIM, WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?! YOUR NANNY SAID THAT YOU DIDN'T COME HOME SINCE YESTERDAY AND YOU'RE NOT ANSWERING YOUR PHONE! SHE'S FREAKING WORRIED ABOUT YOU! OH MY GOD, YOU HARDHEADED CREATURE!" I winced and shoved away my phone from my ear before I get deaf officially. I turned it to speaker so I can still hear her rants. That was Chu by the way.

"Unnie, calm down," I heard Roseanne's sweet voice from the other line, I frowned and was about to talk because I'm fully awake now but then a series of deafening sermon comes again.

"UNNIE! NANNY HERE DIDN'T SLEEP ALL NIGHT WAITING FOR YOU! YOU MADE HER WORRY TO DEATH, YOU SHOULD AT LEAST ANSWERED HER CALLS AND TOLD HER ABOUT YOUR WHEREABOUTS! I WILL TELL UNCLE ABOUT THIS!" Instead of being scared, a smile crept on my face. She told Chu to calm down then there she is, screaming like there's no tomorrow, really, Rosé. I waited for another five seconds because they might add up another sermon again but they stayed quiet so I decided to talk.

"Hello to you two," I paused when I heard them complain about my choice of words.

"Oh my god! She's unbelievable, after all those scoldings, she's like 'hello to you two' ugh! I can't!" Roseanne said dramatically. I laugh and talk again.

"Hey hey, slow down tigers--"

"Don't talk to us like that, we are not kids." Chu interrupted.

"Alright, slow down bitches. I'm fine, okay? No need to worry--"

"Us? Worried?! No way, girl. It's Nanny who's freaking worried about you that's why we called you hoping you'll finally answer." Chu said followed by Rosé' small 'right'. Tsk, bad liars.

"Sure, as if I believe you." I mock and flip on my back, I was lying on my stomach a while ago and look around the room. Then it hit me, I'm in Lisa's apartment so I checked the time and it's already one in the afternoon, explains why I'm starving. I haven't eatean since last night, Dad will surely kill me if he knows about all these stupid things I've done, good thing he's out of the country again and will be back next weekend.

"Whatever, where are you? I called Nayeon and she said it was last last day the last time she hang out with you." I heard Chu asked. What should I tell them? That a certain guy was about to harass me last night and Lisa was my Knight but wasn't in a shining armour and catches a punch just to save my ass? Damn, they won't stop bugging me if I do, think for a lie Ruby Jane!

"Yah! Still there?" Roseanne.

"Uh... I'm somewhere... safe." I trailed.

"Be specific Ruby Jane." Chu said seriously. I sigh and massage my temple.

"Chu, what day is it today?" I asked instead.

"Bitch, don't you try make fun of me--"

"Just answer me." I said seriously, gone was the smile on my face.

"It's the 27th day of March, Ruby Jane."

"And yesterday?"

"Oh my god!" she said in frustration.

"Of course it was the 26th of March yester--- oh shit." she curses and went silent for a while. I smiled bitterly and waited for her to talk.

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