Taming You (10)

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Jennie's POV

"I'm tired." I said and sigh.

"Don't stress yourself, Jen. He doesn't need you to dress up. Just be there." Chu said while scrolling through her phone. I flopped down beside her on the bean bag and lean my head on her shoulder.

"I really don't feel like shopping right now. I wanna sleep." I mumbled and yawn. I called Chu to help me find something to wear for tomorrow's wedding that's why we are now here in the boutique owned by her friend.

"Alright, we'll leave now." she said and stands up, I look at her and pouted.

"But you wasted your time just to be here with me."

"Silly. It's fine. I am not as busy as you are, so I'm good. Let's just grab some lunch, shall we?" she offered her hand so I took it and smiled at her.

"I want some sushi!" I exclaimed that made her chuckle. She nodded and drag me with her, she said goodbye first to her friend and we exited the store. We were walking hand in hand trying to find some place that serves sushi when Jisoo noticed someone.

"Lisa-yah!" she called out so I look at where she's currently looking and there, I saw that tall annoying creature who made my heart go crazy for a whole day, and seeing her right now after that night, brings back the memory of how her lips touch my skin. I bit my lower lip when she started walking towards us, my heart beat is going crazy again. Oh my god! Act natural Jennie, this is not you!

"What are you doing here?" Jisoo ask when Lisa planted herself two steps away from us. I'm looking anywhere but Lisa, the sun is still up so it would be so visible if I blush, just the thought of how Lisa kiss me made me blush again. Dammit.

"I'm looking for some clothes to wear for tomorrow." she said and held up the paper bag that has a printed name of the brand that she bought. Chu just nodded and because of that a very uncomfortable silence filled us.

"What about you, two? Hanging out?" Lisa ask and I can see from my peripheral vision that she's looking at me.

"Ani, don't say that. If Pasta heard about this she will cry her heart out asking why she's not included in this hang out." Chu said while shaking her head. "We were looking for some appropriate clothing for tomorrow too." she continue.

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet?"

"Unfortunately, yeah. But my brother doesn't really care what you're going to wear, he's fine as long as you can make it tomorrow."

"Oh, that's good. I'm kinda nervous about these clothes I bought, but hearing you now made my senses calm." Lisa said and laugh a little. "Where are you heading now?" she added. She keeps on glancing at me, and I tried my best to avoid making eye contact with her now, maybe tomorrow.

"Jenduek want some sushi-- oh wait. You hadn't say anything yet. Yah Jenduekie, why so quiet?" Jisoo noticed it, of course, she's like a freaking detective noticing almost everything around her, and my silence wasn't an exemption. I look at her and bit my lip again.

"I'm hungry." is all I could say. I heard Lisa chuckled so I unconsciously throw her a glare.

"Wow, I missed those glares, Nini." she said and by the mention of the nickname that she made for me I wanna hide on Jisoo's back.

"Nini?" Chu asked confused.

"Yup, short for Jennie." Lisa said proudly.

"Short? How's that short? Nini is still two syllables same as Jennie, doesn't make sense." Chu said and I wanted to laugh because of the expression on Lisa's face.

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