Taming You (21)

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Jennie's POV

The whole dinner was quiet, like really quiet, that if Chu won't talk, no one will dare to talk too.

But Rosé being Rosé doesn't seem to care because she was enjoying the food, the only thing that matters to her next to her family and best friends. Yes, she loves food more than her career, she mentioned it many times.

I was throwing dagger looks towards Lisa who doesn't look my way after I kicked her earlier. I was pissed because it seems like she's flirting with Rosé, in front of me! The audacity of this tall creature!

Minho joined us after we ate, I can't say no because it'll be rude. In the middle of our talks, Lisa's phone ring so she excused herself. I watch as she walks outside the restaurant clutching her phone with her two hands. I tried so hard not to follow her and just force myself to engage in the talk between me, Chu, Rosé and Minho. I occasionally glance at Lisa outside because I can see her from here. She had her back on us and she's still on the phone.

"Remember that time when we had a project? The one where Jisoo had to do an advertisement? She was like, I like you, Oppa! Do you want to start dating?" Minho reenacted Chu's line that made us all laugh.

"She still gets pissed whenever we mentioned it." Minho leaned over and whispered to me. I laugh even more because of the face Chu was making. That was really funny. College days.

I wiped the happy tears that rolled on my cheeks and throw glance at Lisa again-- I look back at where she's standing earlier but she wasn't there anymore. I look around trying to see that tall creature but she's out of sight. I stand up and started to made my way out.

"Where are you going?" I heard Minho ask but I just raise my hand and made my way outside.

"She was just standing here." I mumbled to myself and look around.

"Hey. Something wrong?" Minho said so I turn to look at him.

"Lisa's gone." I said while looking around.

"Maybe she decided to walk around. Don't worry, It's safe here." he said but it didn't console me. I just forced a smile and nodded before we both go back inside.




"Where is that Thai woman? I'm sleepy Jenduek." Jisoo said while stifling a yawn. Rosé was just doing stuff on her phone. We are all tired from the long flight that is why we are already sleepy.

"Did you text her? She's not replying to any of my texts. Tsk." I said annoyed. I wanna call her but I'm afraid that she'd just ignore it like how she ignored me during the whole dinner.

"She's out of reach Unnie." I heard Rosé said so I snapped my head at her.

I immediately dialed Lisa's  number to check it and it's true. I furrowed my brows, where the hell are you Lisa?

"Where are you going?" Jisoo ask when I made my way out of the restaurant for the nth time.

"We didn't check the hotel. It's more than one hour since she left so maybe she's already there." I said and hastily made my way to our hotel. Minho already left us when he was summoned to his office.

Earlier, when a hotel staff knocked on my door, just after Lisa went back to her room too-- the staff told me that the manager of this hotel knows my father so she wanted to treat us for dinner. Then turns out that this resort was owned by Minho's family. It was just a mere coincidence. Me and Minho just started chatting trying to be updated with our lives because we hadn't seen each other since we graduated. I was shock when Lisa started to act weird when she saw Minho. She wasn't talking nor looking at me, and it pisses me off because... she was literally sucking my face back in my room and now she's ignoring me? Like, what the hell?

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