Taming You (22)

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After the incident that happened to Lisa, Jennie Kim didn't leave her side, not even once. The only exception is when the Thai woman uses the lavatory, but that would consist of Jennie waiting for her outside.

Lisa find it cute, seems like her Nini was her personal security now.

"Yah, you're doing it on purpose. Aren't you?" Jennie, who is leaning on the wall, ask Lisa as soon as the tall woman stepped outside the four corners of the restroom inside the restaurant that Rosé chose for them to have their second meal for the day.

"What?" Lisa ask with her eyebrows high.

"You're taking so long whenever you go to the restroom." Jennie said as they made their way back to their table where Jisoo and Rosé were waiting.

"Of course not. I've been there inside for only two minutes, Nini. That's the shortest time for everyone. You're exaggerating things again." Lisa said and shook her head.

"Whatever. I hate waiting." Jennie mumbled.

"Nini, I told you already that you don't have to wait for me. It's just a restroom for heavens sake." Lisa behind her Nini said and sigh.

"Yup. But I just don't want it to happen again like how you answer that phone call and went missing for the whole night. Remember that time Lisa?" Jennie said sarcastically and glance at the tall woman before settling down herself beside Jisoo who's watching them with curiosity written on her pretty face.

"Jesus Christ! Who wouldn't remember that? You kept on reminding me about it. It's annoying." Lisa said and sit beside Rosé.

"Good. That's my goal here, to annoy you." Jennie said before getting her phone and get lost in it.

Lisa blew some of her bangs and leaned on her seat. It's been a week since that night and Jennie always remind her of how reckless she was that time.

Jennie forget about her so called personal space because she is literally so close to Lisa. But the Thai woman wasn't complaining tho, she liked it.

She was having the time of her life being close to her Nini, not until when Mrs. Nam called her one time, it was when they were having their breakfast together. Lisa went still on her spot when she look at her phone seeing the registered number of Jennie's mother.

She had to think for another lie just to escape from Jennie's gaze.

Lisa and the girls were having their breakfast on Jennie's room, they planned to go snorkeling later after their meal. While enjoying their food, Lisa's phone rang so they all stop on their tracks and look at the Thai woman who stare at her phone screen, unable to move.

"Aren't you gonna answer it, Lisa?" Rosé said and munch on her bacon.

"Uh, yeah. Excuse me." Lisa said and was about to go outside the door but she saw Jennie throwing her some dagger look so she have no choice but to lie again.

"It is very important Nini. I'll be back after a minute. Don't worry." she said before exiting.

Jennie was about to follow her but Jisoo was quick to grab her hand.

"Yah yah yah. Just let her have her privacy Jenduek." the pretty girl said and shook her head.

"Chu, the last time she answered a call she went missing!"

"Aigoo, that's because she was jealous of Minho. He's not here, she's not jealous. Don't be paranoid."

Jennie sigh and just stay on her place. On the other side of the door, Lisa was leaning on the wall across Jennie's room just to be sure that the woman won't follow her. It's not the right time yet to tell her everything.

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