Taming You (6)

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Jennie's POV

"You what?!"

"Geez, do I really need to repeat myself Unnie?" Rosé ask while pointing herself.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Uh, because it's the right thing to do?" she said unsure.

Chu and that annoying tall creature was watching us from across the tent, we were talking in small voices and I don't know why.

"Aniyo, inviting a stranger for a meal is not a right thing to do." I shook my head.

"My, why is that? And she's Lisa, I know her name so basically, she's not a stranger." she shrugs.

"Her name? Just her name?! You're impossible Park Rosé."

"Yah, you're making it a big deal. I didn't ask you to talk to her tho, what's with that?" Rosé asked and glance at Lisa and Chu who's already talking now. I sighed and glared at Rosé, she just invited that lady for lunch which is supposed to be our lunch three together. Just. Us.

"C'mon Unnie. I have a good feeling about her." she said, excitement laced on her voice.

I made a face and roll my eyes before mumbling a small 'fine'. The bitch squealed and hug me before walking towards the other two.

"Kaja! I'm hungry." I heard her say.

I followed them outside and walked straight to my car. I open the door and settled on the driver seat, Chu followed suit so I waited for Rosé.

"Chaeyoung said that she's riding Lisa's car."


"Are you getting deaf these past few days?" Chu deadpan. I glared at her.

"She's coming with Lisa. There, loud and clear. Let's go now." she said like she's talking to a five years old kid.

"Is she out of her mind? People will talk about her once they saw her with a new face---"

"She has her disguise with her, she's okay. Now drive because if you'll stay here for another second I might eat you." she said that caused me to rev the engine.

She sounds serious. I started driving while glancing at my rear view mirror every now and then.

I drove down the busy street of the city, Chu gave me the name of the restaurant that she chose and after a couple of minutes we had arrived so I look for a parking space and park my car, Lisa also park hers beside mine. Rosé emerged from the car laughing. I raised my brows at the sight, she's wearing a big sunglasses not really suitable for the weather.

"Kaja." Chu drag me inside the glass door after she hop off from my car.

"Reservation for Kim Jisoo, please." she told the waiter as soon as we enter the restaurant.

"Wow, you made a reservation?" I said in amusement, she did planned this.

"I did." she shrugged and took a seat, our table is good for four people. Coincidence?

I sit in front of her and waited for the other two to arrive, they were walking real slow, caught up with their own world. I was scrolling some emails on my phone when I felt someone took the seat beside me. I didn't bugde and continue on what I'm doing.

"Jen, let's have our orders first." Chu said so I set aside my phone and look at her, she handed me the menu so I started browsing.

"I'd like to have some salad please, and...." Rosé already decided what to order so I settled with French pasta.

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