Taming You (16)

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The people started to flood in the whole site again since this four in the afternoon. Crews, artists, and even Jennie Kim was being their busy selves. The CEO was present since this morning, checking the every details of tonight's performances. Especially the one where Lisa will also perform, she wanted to make it right because she don't want to disappoint the people tonight about Dara missing this.

Jennie watched Momo's practice again for she don't know how many times already because she had lost count of it. She clapped her hands two times when Momo posed for the ending part.

"Good work Miss Hirai, keep up the good work and you'll surely debut this year." she said and offer a small smile then excuse herself going to Lisa who is standing in the corner, holding her phone. Jennie can hear the guttural sound Momo was making, for sure the girl was happy about the possibility of her debuting this year, too early but she was really happy.

Jennie walks towards Lisa who's back was facing her and peeks at her shoulder, she's texting someone.

"Irene is coming?" she ask when she read a little bit of the conversation and look at Lisa who didn't move on her spot, her neck just craned towards Jennie's direction and look at the short lady behind her.

"Yeah. Because finally, her company let her took a good one week break." Lisa said and goes back on her phone, typing a reply and then pocketed her phone--- Jennie just watch her do those things, still standing near Lisa's back.

"Was Momo done?" Lisa ask and look at the spot where they used to practice since yesterday. Jennie just hummed in response and yawned.

"Are you okay, Nini?" Lisa finally turn her body facing her tired looking Nini.

"Kind of tired, but nothing that I couldn't handle. Go practice now."

"You are still here."

"Because I wanted to see you dance." Jennie shrug.

"I told you already that I don't want you to watch me while I'm practicing. Where's the thrill there Nini?"

"I am not up for any thrill, Lisa. I'm here to check if you are doing fine."

"I'm doing great, Nini. You are such a killjoy. Just wait for my performance later and then you can judge me if how I'm doing."

"You talk too much, just go there and dance."

"You go out from here first." Lisa pointed the door.

"Are you seriously kicking me out from here?" ask the CEO in disbelief.

"Yes. Now, out." Lisa said and this time, she held Jennie's shoulders and lead her towards the door, pushing the woman out of the room who protested because she's the freaking CEO and this Thai woman have the gut to kick her out. She basically own everything that is here in the festival site.

"How dare you Manoban?!" Jennie hissed but Lisa just smiled and her and was about to close the door but then paused,

"Don't miss me too much Nini. I will see you later, probably after my performance. And oh, Jisoo and Irene will come here together later , just busy yourself with some other things so that you won't keep on thinking about me, okay?" Lisa said like she's talking to a baby and tap Jennie's head.

"Jesus, Lisa. I don't really know how your brain works. You talk about stupid things all the time." the CEO rolled her eyes dramatically.

"My brain cells could not function well whenever you are near. Basically, your fault." Lisa wink at the blushing girl in front of her before shutting the door close, she even lock it to make sure that her Nini wouldn't peek while she's practicing.

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